Part 0:4

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The following morning he felt the after effects of being toyed with while being tied up. He couldn't get out of bed. His shoulders and lower back hurt a little but he's mostly exhausted. He feels too lazy to get up.

Then flashbacks came flooding into his head. His whole face started burning. Jaeyoung's sweet voice kept replaying in his head. 'Ugh, stop thinking about it! It's already done!' He kept scolding himself. It didn't help at all. It's already 1pm. He slept for a very long time.

He forced himself off the bed because of hunger. He just had a bowl of cereal. His mom, as usual, is not home. Maybe she went to work or to run some errands.

He decided to watch something on tv to clear his mind. Absolutely nothing worked. The feeling of pleasure came back to him. He kept thinking about it. 'It actually felt kinda good.' He thought to himself. Suddenly his eyes fell onto his boxers. 'Why did it feel like that when he touch me there?' He kept on asking himself weird questions until his mom came back.

She just went to get groceries and pay some bills. He helped her put the food away. Then he remembered something, the money. He had put it in his desk before sleeping.

Now he just has to wait for Monday to come and he'll try to talk to Yoongi sunbae. At first he thought of paying with instalments but decided to just pay it all in full. Which I think is a dumb idea. They're just gonna keep on adding more money. He literally didn't think about that! (So dumb!)

Anyways, he just did nothing the rest of the day. His body is still tired. Imagining how tired he will be after he experiences more than just a small vibrator made him a little scared.


Then came Monday. He's actually thinking about how it felt to be touched by someone. It felt way too good. He actually enjoyed it. He's now thinking that this "job" won't be so hard after all.

During lunch he ran to the senior classes to search for Yoongi sunbae. He's in his class, as always, with his minions. They stopped him right before he could go in. "What do you want? Are you here to pay our hyung*?"

(He repeated the 11th grade.)

"I need to talk to Yoongi sunbae."

"He doesn't like to be disturbed when he's eating. Say what you want."

"Please. I really need to talk to him. I'll just wait for him to finish then."

"No, either say what you want or leave."

"Then when can I talk to him?"

"Just say what you want and leave."

"Let the boy through." Yoongi spoke after finishing his meal. He was still clearing the meat out of his teeth with a tooth pick.

"Yes, hyung." They gave him a little bow before letting Daesung through. He's started shaking a little.

"What do you want?" Yoongi asked before taking a sip of his water. He handed his plate to one of his minions.

"I-I just wanted to a-ask-"

"Spit it out." Yoongi's eyes are really intimidating. No one dares to look him in the eyes. Which is also why Daesung is shaking.

"I-I have the money, b-but it's not enough. So I wanted to ask for more time. I-I promise I will pay you back." He lowered his head(bow 90°), "Please give me more time."

Yoongi clicked his tongue while staring at the shaky Daesung. He could feel how scared the kid was and it gave him satisfaction. He loves it when people are afraid of him. It means they respect him and won't mess with him.

Daesung slightly raised his head to see Yoongi's expression. He was not impressed at all. He quickly lowered his head again. "Please give me more time." He pleaded even more.

"How much is it now?" Yoongi asked one of his guys.

"3.5 million, hyung."

"And how much do you have?" He asked Daesung, who's head was still low.

"2-250 thousand."

Yoongi chuckled with a slight smirk. He got off his chair and went closer to Daesung, who was slightly moving back from him.

Suddenly Daesung felt a foot on his shoulder. Yoongi kicked him away from him. He hit the tables hard it hurt his side and arm. "Bring my money by the end of this month. 5 million."

"W-what?! I-I-I can't do that. I don't have that kind of money. P-please." Daesung begged and forced to crawl to Yoongi's feet.

"Get him out."

"Yes, hyung." They picked the begging Daesung and threw, literally threw, him out of their class. The bell rang. Because of too much pain he went to the infirmary.

"Again?" The nurse asked. He's used to Daesung getting hurt but he always doesn't know why.

Daesung nodded while slowly sitting on the bed. "How do you even slip and fall so hard? It's not normal."

"I'm sorry."

"I told you to stop apologizing, it's not your fault."

"But I keep on coming here too much."

"It's my job to help students who are hurt. Now, where does it hurt this time?"

"Around here." He pressed his side. He had fallen on his left-hand side too much. It even hurts a little when he inhales.

"Oh?" He pressed Daesung's side a little, he winced and immediately removed his hand. "Lift your shirt up a bit." He did as told. "Oh, that looks bad." He had strong redness almost like his skin is deteriorating.

He immediately put ice on him. "Rest a little. I'll be back." He left. Daesung laid back thinking hard about how to get five million won in three weeks. 'That's just impossible.' He's definitely NOT gonna ask his mom, he doesn't want her to know about this. Even though she doesn't care about the things he does he really doesn't want her to know about this.

Suddenly someone walked out. Daesung didn't see who it was though. But the guy's body seemed familiar. Of course, he brushed it off.

The nurse came back with pills in his hand a little later. Daesung sat up. "Drink this." He handed the pills to him along with a glass of water. "You really should be careful. I recommend going to the hospital for a check up on that bruise. It looks a little serious." He nodded knowing that he won't go to the hospital. His mom will find out if he does. "Lift your shirt up again." He did as told. The nurse rubbed some ointment on the bruise, Daesung was wincing the whole time. It really hurt.

He went to class after a little while but he missed the first period.


Because of him being Jaeyoung's junior he didn't want to go to the cafeteria during lunch. He really didn't want to bump into him. He ate in his classroom.

Because everyone was in the cafeteria the classroom was really silent. He could even hear his breathing. Then his mind got clouded with flashbacks of Saturday. He actually misses the feeling of pleasure. He wants to feel it again but he doesn't know how to.

He's horny for the first time in his entire life. He's actually looking forward to Saturday.


Bye :)

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