Part 0:6

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Hi :)


As usual, Jaeyoung woke up early. Every Sunday he has to wake up early and go for a 2 hour jog then start training with his father. Why, he doesn't really know what they're training for. He just thinks it's for his image too.

His father is a HUGE perfectionist. Absolutely everything has to be perfect including his son. He doesn't want an ugly, dumb, fat, emotional, short nor failing son. Which is why he goes to Saturday school every single Saturday. He also wants Jaeyoung to be good at martial arts hence why they train. Even though it's just training with family his father doesn't go easy on him. He always hits him hard, sometimes actually scraping his face. He sometimes misses school because of body pains from training or excessive exercise. He's even gotten a couple of scars from sword fights. Yes, they use real katanas and sometimes swords.


This time he took longer than 2 hours to jog.

"What's wrong with you, you took almost 2 and a half hours today. Why?" His father glared at the panting Jaeyoung. He hasn't even gotten his water yet.

"I'm sorry father." He apologized while facing the floor. He got tired after an hour of running because he didn't sleep that much last night. His mind was still clouded by Daesung. He was asking himself if Daesung is mad about him losing control or not.

"Don't apologise, just get it right." His father left the kitchen. He went to change so that they could start "fighting".

Jaeyoung doesn't even get to rest after his long jog.

It wasn't long until they were boxing. Yes, he taught him Thai and normal boxing, judo, jiu jitsu and taekwondo. His father had went to many different countries for his training in martial arts as a child.

His father is really fast when it come to reflexes so Jaeyoung doesn't match up to him. "I told you to be fast! Come on!" His father kept yelling at him. He tried his very best to score even just one, just one, but his father is too fast.

He can feel that he can't continue anymore. He kneeled down. "Who said you can stop, get up. We're not done."

He didn't even try to argue. He first tried to catch his breath before forcing himself up. Even though he's standing he's losing his balancing every step he's taking.

"Hit me." His father started to taunt him. Jaeyoung started to get dizzy again. It's not the first time he's gotten like this. It's almost 3pm now. They've been training for straight 8 hours and he didn't even have one meal the whole day.

He tried his best to hit his father but kept missing everytime. "I said hit me! Hit me you piece of sh*t!"

He finally lost it and landed a hard one right on his father's face. He fainted right after.


After a couple of hours he woke up in his bed. The house staff had took him to his room. The staff are way nicer to him than his father. He takes them as family rather than people who work for his father.

They had left him a bowl of soup and medicine right next to his bed. He immediately drank the soup then drank the pills. The poor kid was starving and exhausted.

He doesn't complain at all since he's used to it. He knows that this is what he was made for, for his father's image. Too bad his mom died right after he was born so she couldn't stand up for him all these years.

On the other hand, he finally punched that jerk he calls his father and he punched him real hard. His father had to put ice on the punch*.

(A/N Ha, he deserved it!)

He was in the kitchen while the staff were making soup for Jaeyoung. He was just staring at them being busy, didn't even care that his son fainted again. Something else is on his mind. What, I don't know too. No one knows what that man thinks.

Meanwhile, Jaeyoung's head is still full of thoughts about yesterday. He's not letting it go. What he had planned for this coming Saturday is now in question. He doesn't know if he should continue or not even though he knows he might lose control even more. But he really doesn't want to stop now. He's not that satisfied yet.*

(A/N Sounds like a pervert and a creep...)

After finishing his soup he went to his secret hideout in the basement. His father doesn't use the basement so he turned it into his other secret place.

Even though he's still a little dizzy he forced himself down there. The staff also don't know about this place so if he faints no one will know.

He got there without fainting and sat on his recliner. He exhaled before pressing play on his remote. He watches the videos of Daesung on his flat screen for a better view. The cameras he used have good angles so he can see everything that was going on.

He spent the rest of the day rewatching the video from yesterday. He had a poker face the WHOLE time. He's somewhat confused about something but he doesn't know what it is that's confusing him so much. He kept on staring at Daesung's cumming face. That's probably what's confusing him.

He finally stopped watching the video and went back to his room. He took the vitamins before resting his exhausted body and mind.


Daesung on the other hand, spent the whole day trying to calm down. Saturday was too good for him. He didn't expect to feel like that, that good.

He actually did it this time, he tried jerking off for the first time in his entire life. But it didn't do much. He misses Jaeyoung's soft and delicate hands. Well, delicate sometimes.

Even though Jaeyoung went a little rough, he enjoyed it. This doesn't seem like a job to him anymore. It feels like he's getting pleasure and he's being paid for it. So this is a win-win situation. But the money is not enough.

His mom asked him about why he had a bandage on his hand but he lied and said he fell at school. This guy and falling.

He just remembered about the 5 million. He now has two weeks to come up with 5 million won. He could try asking his mom but he doubts he'll get it. He'll try anyways. Now, he's mom is asleep so he'll try tomorrow after coming back from school.


Half the week passed by without him trying to ask his mom. He either forgot or just went straight to bed. High school is exhausting.*

(A/N Tell me about it!)

He finally remembered on Thursday. "Mom," he slowly approached her while she was eating her dinner. She just so happened to return late too.


"Can I ask for something?"

"What is it?"

"Can I please have 5 million won?"

She immediately froze. "What?"

"Please, I really need it."

"Why the hell do you need so much money for?" This is why he didn't want to ask his mom for the money. He knew she was gonna question him.

"It's, I really need it."

"I'm not giving you that kind of money. Plus, I don't even have it." He left her without a single complaint. Now he really doesn't know what to do. He really doesn't have any other options. He's definitely NOT gonna ask Jaeyoung for the money, definitely.

He laid on his bed with teary eyes. He fell asleep merely minutes later.

'What am I gonna do?'


Bye :)

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