Part 0:5

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The whole week he kept on thinking about jerking off but he didn't do it. Everytime he tries he gets scared and stops. He feels embarrassed to touch his backside. 'I miss his hands.' He accidentally thought to himself. He immediately shook those thoughts out of his head then headed back to bed.

He was in the bathroom planning to jerk off. But of course, it didn't happen. Luckily it's Saturday tomorrow so he'll get his pleasure again.


The whole morning he kept on checking the clock. He's getting impatient at this rate.

Once it hit 13:55 he ran out of the place. Hey got to the bus stop at exactly 2pm.

Ted greeted him with a smile and nod before they left. On the way to the cabin he remembered that he's gonna get more than just Jaeyoung's fingers this time. He started panicking again. He's not looking forward to it anymore.

To Daesung it felt like it took 2 minutes to get to the cabin when it actually took 18 minutes. He didn't want to get off.

"Are you not going in?" Ted asked.

"Um..." He first took a deep breath before getting out of the car. He slowly walked up to the door. He knocked three times before Jaeyoung opened the door for him.

"There's no need to knock. I already know it's you. Next time just come in, okay?" Daesung nodded while walking in. "The towel's in the bathroom." Jaeyoung went back to the kitchen. He was cooking, frying something and it smelled delicious.

Daesung went straight to the bathroom.


This time he came out holding the towel. Jaeyoung raised his left brow after seeing Daesung holding the towel. "You're still shy even now?" Daesung avoided his eyes. "I've seen everything already," Jaeyoung snatched the towel and threw it onto the bed, "there's no need to be shy." Jaeyoung then paused. He furrowed his eyebrows while looking at a mark on Daesung left side. It actually looked like it hurt. He's had these kinds of bruises before so he knows how to deal with them. "What happened here?" He softy touched the brown-turning redness.

Daesung flinched. It still hurt. "N-nothing. I fell."

"How do you get a bruise like this from just falling?" He locked his eyes with Daesung's. Daesung immediately looked away.

"I-it's nothing." Daesung backed away from Jaeyoung's soft touch.

"Get on the bed then." He went to the stand that had many things. It was like that last week too, he just didn't see it. And now that he sees it, he's more nervous.

He got on the bed cautiously and waited for Jaeyoung to handcuff him. He just expected it. And he was right. This time he didn't lie down, he just sat up.

"I wanted to ask you something before," Jaeyoung started saying while opening a tube of lubricant. "Are you really sensitive or just nervous?" He turned to a nervous Daesung.

"I-I don't know."

Jaeyoung slightly smirked. "I guess we're about to find out then. Lay down." He slowly slide down the bed to rest his back. His arms are above his head once again. This time he's more nervous than before.

Jaeyoung's steps towards Daesung made his heart race even faster. It felt like it was about to burst out of his small chest.

Daesung then felt something on his thigh. Jaeyoung had put something that felt like it had many tassels on his right thigh, it's a flogger. He traced it towards his member. Daesung immediately reacted to it with a slight flinch. It made Jaeyoung smirk again, "I guess you are sensitive."

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