Part 1:3

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Hi :'(


Daesung sent an apology message the following morning. He also said he'll walk to school from now on to not make Jaeyoung uncomfortable.

He spent the whole day in bed. His mom even tried to get him out but he refused. He feels like he just had a heartbreak. It's not like he kissed Jaeyoung willingly, it just happened. But he didn't expect Jaeyoung to react like that.


Like he said, he walked to school on Monday. He tried his best to avoid running into Jaeyoung the whole week even though Jaeyoung was trying to get a hold of him. He really wanted to talk to Daesung about something very important.

Daesung was hesitating to go to the cabin on Saturday. He then remembered Jaeyoung's wallet. It's the only thing that convinced him to go.

He actually went to the bus stop at around 2:30pm. He got late because of doubting to go. Jaeyoung got furious because of that.

He tried really hard to calm himself down when Daesung arrived. Daesung found Jaeyoung sitting at the table with his phone in his hand. Jaeyoung had kept on trying to call Daesung. It angered him even more that Daesung was ignoring his calls.

"Why are you late today?" Jaeyoung approached Daesung.

"I-I'm sorry."

"We need to talk. Sit." They sat at the table. Daesung feels uncomfortable now. His heart still hurts. "You lied to me again."

Daesung raised his head at those words. "Huh? W-what do you mean?"

"You're in the 11th grade. You lied to me again." Daesung's eyes widened.

"I... I'm sorry."

"You said you wouldn't lie to me again."

"I'm sorry. I really needed the money."

"But you could've said so. Why'd you have to lie to me?"

"I..." He sighed and tried to calm down before speaking. "I was afraid you would reject me because... I'm underage." Jaeyoung didn't even think about that part. He's just furious that Daesung lied to him. That hurt him.

Jaeyoung calmed down first. "You still should've told me the truth. It really hurts me to know that you lied to me."

"I'm really sorry for that. A-and for last time."

Then Jaeyoung remembered what he wanted to ask Daesung. "What did your kiss mean?"


"Your kiss. Why did you mean by that?" Daesung's face started burning. He avoided Jaeyoung's eyes.

"I'm sorry about that. I promise it won't happen again. It, it was just a mistake."

"Mistake?" Jaeyoung sounded disappointed.

"Um y-yes."

"You did that by mistake?" Daesung nodded while facing his locked hands. "You didn't do that on purpose?" He nodded again. Jaeyoung stood up, disappointed. There is a strong pain in his chest. "Okay." He headed for the kitchen.

"W-wait!" Daesung stopped him. Something just made him changed his mind.

Jaeyoung faced Daesung. Anyone could tell how devastated Jaeyoung was. "I-I lied." Jaeyoung furrowed his brows in confusion. "T-the kiss...I uh..." He hesitated at first but then forced the words out. "I like you." Jaeyoung's eyes widened. He's completely speechless. He's not shocked because he thought that's what the kiss meant. Hearing Daesung say it was a mistake completely broke him. "Please say something."

Jaeyoung approached Daesung not saying anything. Daesung's heart had gone completely crazy. He doesn't know what to expect.

Suddenly, Jaeyoung pulled Daesung into his arms. "H-huh?" Daesung froze in Jaeyoung's arms. He didn't say anything at all.

"I think I like you too." Jaeyoung whispered into Daesung's ear.

"W-what?" Jaeyoung squeezed Daesung's small body even more.

"I'm sure of it now."

"Y-you like me too?" Daesung's eyes lit up.

"I don't know anything about feelings," he let him go to see his face, "but I know that I like you. I always want to be with you, I want to protect you from all those guys, I want to help you in anyway I can, I don't want to see you hurt. I really like- I love you." Daesung's eyes widened again.

"L-love?" Jaeyoung nodded and pulled him back into his arms. 'He loves me? Since when?' Daesung asked himself. It came as a big shock to him that Jaeyoung loves him. He didn't expect him to not be straight.

"I don't want to do this anymore, playing with your body. I just need you by my side." Jaeyoung's words made Daesung's heart melt. He finally smiled sincerely. He's happy.

He was expecting rejection but he got more than that. He tightened his arms around Jaeyoung's big build. He doesn't know what this means for their "relationship" but he's happy. As long as they're together.

"S-so this means no more uh-" Jaeyoung let him go. "No more uh-" Jaeyoung immediately understood and nodded.

"But you will still come on Saturdays, right?" He took Daesung's hands hoping for a yes. Of course Daesung nodded. Jaeyoung smiled brightly again.

"Um there's one more thing."


"Since I'm younger, c-can I call you hyung?" Jaeyoung's face gave away that he's blushing. He didn't expect Daesung to say that and in such a cute way. They're both blushing. Jaeyoung nodded.

"Now please let me make you dinner." Daesung nodded with a shy grin.


Sorry it's so short. I got a loss of words¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bye :)

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