Part 0:3

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He faced straight up not wanting to see what will happen to his body. Jaeyoung softly placed his hand on Daesung's thigh, which startled Daesung. He flinched a little. "You're even more nervous now." Jaeyoung softly spoke while tracing his fingers up Daesung's thighs. "You're shivering." To be honest, Jaeyoung's voice is turning Daesung on. He really didn't want to admit it but it's true. He may actually be gay. "Relax." Jaeyoung's hand stopped right under his nipple.

Daesung tried his best to calm down but he couldn't. His whole body feels weird. Then it happened, he got hard. "Mmh." He accidentally moaned.

"Oh, well this is surprising." Jaeyoung softly brushed Daesung's member with his finger. "Just from a single touch? Are you that sensitive?"

"I-I don't know."

"Interesting. Very interesting." He continued rubbing his finger against Daesung's hard member. He does find it weird that Daesung didn't know he was sensitive.

"Ah-” More moans kept escaping Daesung's mouth. He doesn't know how he's making these sounds nor know how to stop.

Suddenly Jaeyoung stopped. Daesung was starting to pant a little. He's never felt like that before. Jaeyoung had went to take something, hand cuffs. "I hope you don't mind if I tie you up. I have a feeling you're gonna keep on stopping me." He carefully cuffed Daesung's hands to the bed frame, making sure he doesn't hurt him. He then pulled a stand closer to the bed.

Daesung is still avoiding facing Jaeyoung, he's super embarrassed about easily getting hard. He's suspecting that he may be gay.

Then he heard a strange sound. Jaeyoung's putting on gloves. That made Daesung panic a little. "Uh- w-why are you putting on gloves?" He asked with a slightly shaky voice.

"Things are about to get messy." He slapped on another glove. The sound of the glove slapping onto Jaeyoung's skin tensed Daesung even more. The poor kid is fearing for his life now. "There's no need to get scared though. I won't hurt you." Daesung looked at Jaeyoung with obviously scared eyes. "Look, how about a safe word then?" Daesung nodded without hesitation. "What do you suggest?"

He thought for a second but got nothing. "I don't know."

"How about something short and easy, like 'ROSE'?"

"In English?" Jaeyoung nodded. "Okay."

"Alright, you can say 'ROSE' whenever you feel uncomfortable or hurting. I'll immediately stop." That made Daesung calm down a little. He nodded. "The handcuffs don't hurt, do they?" He shook his head. "Good. Now let's get started."

Those words reminded him of his situation. For a second there he forgot because of how caring Jaeyoung sounded.

Daesung watched as Jaeyoung poured a clear gel on his hands, then wetting the whole hand. He gulped a little while watching Jaeyoung's hands slowly approached his body. His hands landed on his chest. He gently caressed his chest, before playing with his nipples. That actually sent weird vibes around Daesung's body making his moan again.

"Mm- ah...ah..."

'Oh? Just from the chest?' Jaeyoung asked himself. Daesung's flustered face made him want to keep on toying with his body. He rubbed on Daesung's now burning chest. His moans started to get a little louder. He's even shut his eyes close.

Jaeyoung slowly traced his hand towards Daesung's now twitching member. "A-ah..." He accidentally moaned a little louder after Jaeyoung touched him there. The gel feels weird and cold. Jaeyoung is fascinated by Daesung's reactions, he doesn't want to slow down to let the poor kid breath. "Ah...mmh..." He kept on moaning while Jaeyoung was playing with his chest and member.

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