Part 0:1

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"Please, j-just give me m-m-more time. I promise I'll have the money soon." Daesung begged the sunbaes* that looked like they were about to give him more than just a kick in the stomach like last time. And he was right, he got a very strong slap causing him to loose balance and hit the hard floor again. He quickly crawled over to their legs and begged even more. Pleading for more time.

(*Sunbae - senior in ranking, eg school, work)

"Our hyung's* given you more than enough time. This time he's furious. You said you'd pay within a month, it's been two months now." One of the sunbaes kicked him off his feet. He crawled back to their feet again.

(*Hyung - an honorific used by males to address to older close males)

"Please. I just need o-one more month. J-just one."

"Yah, listen here. From now on we're gonna add another ₩500K every week, starting this coming week. Keep on taking longer and you're gonna owe us five million." They slapped him off again before leaving him in the toilets.

He started calming down physically but mentally panicking. He already owes them ₩2 000 000 and now they are gonna keep on adding every week. That two million doesn't even include the 40% interest and late fee. So he basically owe them three million won, pretty crazy.

It's the very first time he's ever been late with a payment to the school loan shark. He just happened to not have the money ready on time. He doesn't even know how to get the money. At this rate he's getting desperate.

The sound of the bell reminded him that he needs to get to class immediately. He tried to fix himself as much as possible before running to class. Everyone were already at their seats. Only he was missing. A second later their Life Science teacher walked in.

As usual, he didn't understand most of the lesson. He doesn't understand most of the subjects. He's only good at Mathematics and English. He kind of understands some topics in Physical Science though. He does try his best to get one of the top 5 students of his grade each examinations but he only makes top 10. Sometimes he reaches 3rd and 4th place though. For many people, that's a great achievement but for his mom it's a disappointment. She wants him to be the first in his grade. But what surprises him is that during class works and home works he doesn't get stuff then during tests and exams he gets great results. Not like he's complaining though.

After a couple of more classes, came the time to take a nap. He's really worried about the money. He's even questioning why he still asked those guys for money. He promised himself to never ask them for money anymore. This time HAS to be the last time. If he needs something he promised to get a job.

That gives him an idea. Immediately when he gets home he plans to search for a part-time job. Something easy that will bring him quick money. Even though he likes to spend money he doesn't like to work for it. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't come from a wealthy family. His mom sometimes gives him money when he does stuff in the house or when he just asks, sometimes.

Luckily he doesn't have any Saturday classes or anything so it will be a little easier to find something.

He got home at around 11pm and immediately took a shower then went to bed. Nevermind eating. He also forgot to search for a job or something.


The following morning he got to school early just to try and search for something using the school computers. There were a lot more ads than he thought he would find. Most of them had requirements that he did not have. One being very important, a high school certificate. He's not even done with high school yet so those are not even in consideration.

Can I Call You Hyung? (bxb)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن