Part 2:0

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Hi (〒﹏〒) wrote this while listening to 'Rainy Night' by Younha. I recommend listening to it while reading😔.


Three whole days passed without them seeing or talking to each other. Daesung kept hoping to see Jaeyoung at school. He just never showed up.

Meanwhile, Jaeyoung never got out of bed since Monday. He never ate anything and never bathed. He only got up to use the bathroom. His father tried only once to get him to study but he just ignored him like he wasn't there. His father then gave up right after.

The whole time his mind's blank.

'It hurts.' He started telling himself. 'Why does it hurt so much! I want to see Daesung, I want to be with Daesung, I want to hold him in my arms. I want him.'

He never thought he could get over Daesung. He doesn't even want to get over him. He had tried to think of a way to be with Daesung without putting him in a difficult situation but there's no way.

He really couldn't take the pain anymore so he decided to do something REALLY stupid instead of trying to talk to his father again.


Daesung had been trying to call Jaeyoung the entire week. No one ever picked up. He never gave up though. He made sure to go to the cabin on Saturday. His whole heart broke after seeing what had happened to the place.

The entire place is burned down. There's not a single thing left except for burnt wood. The pool is full of burnt wood and the garden is also burnt down too. He tried searching for something, just something, anything, he found nothing.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of him. Ted climbed out, he looks really devastated. He paused after seeing Daesung in the middle of the pile. "Daesung-ah?"

"Hyung, what happened?" Daesung asked with teary eyes.

"His father, he asked me to burn this place down. Of course I refused but he forced me to do it." He appproached Daesung. "That man, he's the cruelest person I've ever met." He also tried searching for anything that may have remained, nothing.

"But where's hyung? I've tried calling nonstop. He's not answering." Ted just faced Daesung with really devastated eyes. "Hyung, what happened? Please tell me."

"I was told not to tell you this but Jaeyoung is at the hospital."


"He-" he sighed, "he tried to kill himself." Daesung fell onto his knees. "He's stable now. I know I'm not supposed to do this but let's go. I know you want to see him." Daesung got up then they left.

Daesung froze after they got to the ward. He's afraid of what he may see in there. He doesn't want to see Jaeyoung weak again. Seeing Jaeyoung sick last time was almost torture to him.

Ted encouraged him to go in. He first took in deep breaths then walked in. Jaeyoung is unconscious and has the mask for oxygen* on.

(* I really forgot what it's called ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

His heart completely broke after seeing Jaeyoung like that. He slowly walked in closer to him, Ted closed the door to give them privacy.


He softly touched Jaeyoung's cold hand expecting a response, nothing. He sat on the chair that's next to him. The tears roamed free. 'Why did you do that, hyung? I don't want to lose you!' He thought to himself while squeezing Jaeyoung's hand. 'You said we'll deal with the world together. Why do you want to leave me now?'

It took a while for him to calm down. He honestly didn't think it would hurt that much seeing Jaeyoung like that. He's just glad he didn't die though.


He visited Jaeyoung every single day since that day for a whole week. He made sure his mom doesn't find out and since Jaeyoung's father doesn't visit him it's easy for him to come and go. It seemed like Jaeyoung was getting better, he didn't need the mask anymore. He woke up not after a while but he's still weak.

Seeing Daesung by his side made him tear up a little. He's happy his plan failed. Seeing Daesung's face made him regret trying to kill himself.

Everything was going fine-ish until Jaeyoung's father all of a sudden decided to visit him. He found Daesung skinning an apple for Jaeyoung. Jaeyoung seemed happy but his father didn't care. He was just furious that Daesung found Jaeyoung. He had told Ted not to let anyone know about this.

Daesung immediately left his half skinned apple, took his bag and ran out of the room. Jaeyoung ignored his father's death glare. "Why was he here?" His father asked but he ignored him. "I asked you a question." It surprised his father that he ignored him.

Jaeyoung is also furious. He's sick and tired of listening to his father's bullsh*t. "I knew he'd change you. You're that stupid to change yourself for someone you don't even know *strong coughing*." He quickly ran out of the room to calm his coughing down.

'It's getting worse.' His father thought to himself. For once he had a normal humanlike thought!

He didn't bother going back into the room. He hired someone to keep Daesung away from Jaeyoung. Daesung was never allowed into Jaeyoung's room anymore. It didn't even matter if Ted asked the guard, they strongly refused.

Daesung almost gave up on trying to get into the room to see Jaeyoung but he always told himself to try again, every single day. Until one day he found no guard at the door. He immediately ran into the room and found nothing.

Jaeyoung's gone. There's no trace of him. His everything is just gone. He asked one of the nurses that were passing by, "Um excuse me miss."


"The boy who was in this room, where is he?"

"The one who had a guard by the door?" He nodded. "He's been discharged already. He left about a week ago."

'A week?!' He thought to himself while panicking.

"Thank you." He bowed before leaving the hospital with a completely torn heart. He tried calling him again but still no answer. "Hyung, where are you..." He broke out into tears.


Thank you for reading till the end. 'Can I Call You Hyung?' has officially come to an end. I appreciate that you read till the end. Not gonna lie, cried the whole time while writing this last chapter.

Extra chapter is next but it's only one and short.

Again, thank you for reading.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ♥

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