Play date? Sick day!

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Josh had never been more excited in his life. He hadn't had a play date with Henry and Michael in a month, and they were coming over. He waited at the door all morning.

"Daddy, where's Henry and Michael?" he asked.

"They're coming at eleven. Why?" Spencer answered.

"Because I want to play."

"You can play until they get here."

"I want to play with Henry and Michael."

"You can play with me until they get here."

"Can we play pirates?"

"Oh, of course we can play pirates, Joshy."

About an hour later, the door bell rang. Josh sprinted to the door, with Spencer running after him.

"Henry!" Josh yelled, as Spencer opened the door.

"Hi, Josh! Hi, Uncle Spencer!" Henry smiled.

Michael walked after the two older boys as they ran to play.

"Hey, Reid." Garcia said.

"A surprise visit? This is nice." Spencer grinned.

"Well, I was visiting JJ and she said she had to bring the boys here. I figured I'd tag along... Where's the mister?"

"He's hiding upstairs, he's sick."

"Alvez? Sick? I feel like that doesn't happen." JJ joked

"Josh had strep throat last week and passed it right on over to Luke."

"You're next." JJ teased.

"I most definitely am."

The three sat on the patio watching the boys play in the yard.

"I should go check on Luke. Make sure he didn't choke on his tonsils." Spencer said, standing.

He quickly made his way up to their bedroom, and entered quietly. Luke rolled over a bit to face him.

"Hi." Spencer greeted.

"Hi." Luke croaked out.

"How do you feel?" Spencer sat on the side of the bed, and felt Luke's forehead. He definitely had a fever.

"Disgusting. Terrible. Awful."

"I'm sorry."

"Are Henry and Michael here?"

"Yes, JJ brought them. Garcia's here too."

"Can you stay for a few minutes?"

"Of course, why?"

Luke took Spencer's arms, and wrapped them around himself. He cuddled into Spencer's chest, and Spencer kissed his head.

"This helps." Luke whispered.

Spencer sat with Luke and rubbed his back for a few minutes, and then made his way back downstairs.

Love Is Not A Choice (Reid/Alvez)Where stories live. Discover now