Maybe I should tell her.

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Luke and Spencer had been secretly dating for four months now, and they'd been even more open with each other. They hadn't been intimate yet, but whenever Spencer stayed over he stayed in Luke's room, and Roxy began to trust him with Luke.

Luke and Spencer often sat silently on the couch together, watching awful tv shows until they were tired, but tonight was different.

"Do you ever want kids?" Luke asked.

Spencer put down his coffee and sat up a bit.



"Do you?"

"Yeah. Well, I never thought I would. Most of the guys I've dated aren't really the dad type. I feel like seeing how great of a father you'd be made me more open."

"I get what you mean."

"I kind of want a daughter." Luke said, smiling.

"I definitely want a daughter."

"Would you want like a baby or a kid?"

"I'd like to have a baby. Or a toddler."

"What would you name your daughter?"

"Wow, someone's got a lot of questions."

"Well, if I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, these are some things I'd like to know."

"You wanna spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Um...... well, yeah, but we don't have to talk about that now. We've only been together for a little while. We have lots of time for that."

"Avery Jennifer"


"I think that's what I'd name my daughter."

"I like that."

"What about you?"

"Um, I don't know, honestly. I like Avery Jennifer........ maybe Giovana? I don't know."

"I like Giovana. What about a middle name?"

"Well, assuming it was our child, then Jennifer. If not, maybe Anne or something."

"Giovana Jennifer. I like it."


"Speaking of Jennifer......."


"When are we gonna tell the team about us?"

"I don't know, Spence....."

"We have to eventually."

"It's against protocol....."

"The most we'll get is a lecture from the brass. They knew about Strauss and Rossi, and they didn't say anything."

"Strauss and Rossi?"

"Yeah. Former Unit Chief Erin Strauss-"

"I know who she is, but her and Rossi?"



"Anyway, what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. Garcia still isn't in love with the fact that I'm on the team....."

"Well she'll have to deal with it."

"Maybe we'll just tell Emily? We should probably tell her, because then I can finally put you as my emergency contact without looking sketchy, and then I can list you as 'partner' in the system."

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