They suit you, though.

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It was finally the day.

Spencer Reid and Luke Alvez were getting married.

In the morning JJ, Emily, Tara, Garcia, and Savannah stayed with Reid in his room in the hotel, while Rossi, Hotch, Morgan, and Walker stayed with Alvez.

JJ was the last to get to Reid's room, and grinned at him.

"How're you feeling?" she asked.


"Our baby's getting married." Garcia said.

"We're all so happy for your and Luke, Spence." JJ said.

"I'm nervous. Is that normal?" Reid asked.

"Definitely. But don't worry."

"I wanna talk to Luke." Reid said.

"No, no, no. You can't see him before the wedding. It's bad luck." Garcia said.

"That's only for straight people. It's from when there were a lot of arranged marriages and people said that if the bride and groom saw each other they might bail." Reid said, annoyed.

Garcia sighed, and looked at him.

"You can call him and talk to him for five minutes."

"Thank you." Reid mumbled, and walked into the hallway to talk to Luke.

"Hello?" Luke answered.


"Garcia's gonna kill you if she finds out you're calling me."

"She knows. She said I can have five minutes."
"Oh, good."

"Are you nervous?"


"I am."

"That's okay."

"I love you."

"I know, Spence."

"We're getting married."

"Yeah, I know." Luke laughed.

"I'm so happy."

"Me too."

"Is everything going well? No problems with your suit or anything?"

"No, it's all good."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Spencer. Nothing wrong. Everything's perfect."


"Time's up!" Garcia called into the hall.

Reid sighed.

"I have to go."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

Reid walked back into the hotel room, and they all talked while the girls started doing hair and makeup. An hour later, Reid took his clothes into the bathroom to get dressed. He hadn't let anyone see his suit, and when he emerged all of the girls grinned at him. He had gone with a cherry red suit, a white shirt, black tie, black suspenders, and of course he had the white flower. He wore black socks, and he didn't know what he was doing for shoes as Luke said he'd "take care of it".

"Spence, you look great." JJ said.

"Thanks." Reid smiled.

The girls finished getting ready, and they were all going to drive over to the wedding hall, when Reid remembered he didn't have shoes.

"JJ, do you have my shoes?" Reid asked.

"Oh no, Luke has them. I'll have Derek run them up." JJ said.

Minutes later, Derek ran into the room with a shoe box, said a 'lookin nice man' to Reid, and left.Reid opened the shoe box, and laughed loudly. The girls all looked at him.

He pulled out a pair of black high top converse, which said 'REID' on the bottom of one, and 'ALVEZ' on the other. He quickly put the shoes on, and left.

To say Alvez was excited would be an understatement. He was practically jumping up and down, and he was annoying the hell out of everyone. Alvez was dressed in a black suit, a white shirt, red tie, red socks, a black belt, white flower, and plain black dress shoes. He bounced on his toes while waiting outside the wedding hall with the other men.

JJ and Garcia, of course, had the idea to put Alvez and Reid in a room alone together and do a "husband to be reveal", so, they blindfolded Reid and Luke, put them back to back, took the blindfolds, and left.

They both turned around as soon as the door closed, and smiled.

"You look really good." Luke said.

"We're gonna be some hot husbands in a few hours." Reid laughed.

Luke took a few steps back, and really looked at Spencer.

"I love the shoes." Spencer laughed.

"I thought you'd like them. JJ told me that you wanted to wear converse, but you didn't want to say anything because they weren't formal."


"They suit you, though."

Reid took a few steps forward, wrapped his arms around Luke's waist, and layers his head on Luke's shoulder.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

The wedding ceremony had gone by quickly, and it was a very generic wedding. To Luke's surprised, Spencer was set on getting their rings, and they were basic platinum, but they loved them. They headed over to the hotel where they were having their wedding party, and where they'd all be staying over night. It was already late, so none of the kids ended up staying at the wedding.

To everyone's surprise, Spencer did a lot of dancing and drinking, but eh enjoyed himself. He ended up walked around with his tie loosened, with his jacket off, and his suspenders showing. Luke had also taken his jacket off, and had his tie hanging around his shoulders. For most of the time, Spencer and Luke ended up separated while talking to family and friends, but eventually Garcia dragged Luke over to the team's table, and Spencer hurried over when he saw him.

"Hey husband." Reid mumbled, kissing Luke.

"This is so good. You guys are married. I can't believe it. I'm so happy. Ah." Garcia said, smiling.

Of course, the whole team had been happy for them.

After all of the guests had left, the whole team was staying in the hotel, and they were heading up in the elevators to their rooms, when Reid and Luke ran into the elevator behind them.

"Your wedding was great, guys." Tara said.

"Thank you. Seriously, thank you guys for being here. You made it so much better." Spencer said.

Everyone else had gotten off at their floor, and it was just Luke and Spencer in the elevator.

"I'm very proud to call you my husband.", Spencer giggled, leaning against Luke.

"I'm so happy."

"Me too."

"I never really thought I'd get married. Especially not to someone as amazing as you." Luke said, seriously.

"Trust me, if someone had told me when I first met you that we'd be married, I wouldn't believe them. Although, I would've wished for it to be true."

They got off on their floor, went into their room, and Luke shoved Spencer onto the bed.

Love Is Not A Choice (Reid/Alvez)Where stories live. Discover now