What's a Spence?

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Luke knew Spencer wanted to have kids, and finally decided to bring it up when they were going to bed one night.  

"Do you want a baby?" Luke asked. 

"Yeah, why?"

"No, I mean like seriously. Do you want a baby?"


"Yeah. Like adopt a baby soon."

"I mean I haven't thought about it much, but yes."

"We've been together for long enough."

"I know. I'm not worried about that or anything. Honestly now that you brought this up I really want a kid."  

So, Spencer and Luke filled out forms to adopt a child. They waited months for a call, and when they finally got a call, it wasn't much news. They'd been moved up a few slots on the list for a child.

They hated waiting, but then finally came that fateful day, when they were called to come to an interview to adopt a five year old boy. Spencer and Luke were ecstatic and scheduled the interview for the next day, and met with the social worker.  

"Hello Dr. Reid, Agent Alvez, how are you?" 

"Nervous. Excited. I don't know." Spencer said. 

"We'll, we just need to go through a few routine things. So, first of all, you want to adopt a five year old boy, correct?"

"Yes" Spencer and Luke said.

"Okay, so, you're both with the Federal Bureau of Investigation?"


"And you're both in the Behavioral Analysis Unit?" 


"Alright, well.......... when you two are away, who would take care of your son?"

"Well, my mother and father are both always home and they live a few blocks away from us, and we were planning on maybe setting him up for daycare with Spencer's godson," Luke said.

"I see.....um, I'm supposed to ask you more questions, but honestly, you two have been waiting a long time for a child. I'll see what strings I can pull to make sure you get him." The social worker said.  

Luke and Spencer went home, and sat on their couch. 

"I'm scared." Spencer said. 


"Because I feel like we're getting our hopes up. What if we don't get him? That's why the social workers don't tell you anything about the kids."

"Spence....... if we don't get him, we don't get him. I know you want kids, and so do I. But there's plenty of kids." 


"We'll see. We just have to wait for them to call us back." 

The next day at work, everyone was in for round table, when Reid got a phone call.

  "It's our social worker." He said quietly.

"Well? Are you gonna answer it or just look that the phone?" Rossi asked.  

Reid walked quickly out into the open area by the elevator and answered the call.


"Hi, Dr. Reid."

"Hi, Aubrey."

"I have news."

"Oh no."

"You've been accepted for the little boy."

Love Is Not A Choice (Reid/Alvez)Where stories live. Discover now