I'm trying to relax but I can't.

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Spencer was in a full panic. His long time best friend, Derek Morgan, was going to be at Rossi's "party" at his house, and Spencer had not idea what to do. It had been a year since he and Luke had started their relationship, and he still hadn't told Morgan. He knew he should've, he just didn't.

When Derek, Savannah, and Hank arrived at Rossi's, Spencer grew even more nervous. He knew they'd support him, but he was still scared.

"Baby Girl, it is nice to see you." Morgan said, as he entered the house.

"I missed you, Chocolate Thunder. It's so great to see you Savannah, and BABY HANK!" Garcia said, taking Hank from Savannah.

Morgan hugged JJ, Tara, Rossi, and Emily, and then shook Luke and Walker's hands.

"Is Reid here?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah. He's outside in the back." JJ said.

They all started walking towards the back door, where Will, Henry, Michael, and Reid were outside with Joy, Shawn, and Kai.

Luke stopped.

"Hey, Derek?" He said.

Everyone stopped, and looked at Luke.

"Yeah?" Morgan said.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure."

Everyone else went outside. As soon as Spencer saw Hank and Savannah, he jumped up. He gave Savannah a hug, and then took Hank from Garcia.

"Where's Morgan?" Spencer asked.

"Talking to Luke." Tara said.

Immediately, Spencer went white.

"What's wrong?" Savannah asked.

"Nothing... I'm, um, just not feeling so great today." Spencer said.

Meanwhile, Luke talked to Derek.

"I just, um, wanted to tell you that Spencer isn't feeling so great today." Luke said.

"Mentally or physically? I know he's been having a lot of problems."

"Both, sort of. More mentally, but he threw up earlier." Luke said.

"Thanks for telling me."

"Yeah..... and, um, you know Garcia thinks I'm trying to replace you?"


"I promise you I'm not. And I know you wouldn't get jealous of me or anything. I just felt like it should've been said."

"I got you, man."

The two of them walked outside to see Reid talking avidly to Savannah. As soon as Spencer saw them, he walked over.

"Hey, Pretty Boy!" Morgan said.

Luke was confused, but didn't question it.

Spencer and Morgan hugged, and then everyone sat around in the yard talking, when suddenly Spencer stopped.

"What's wrong?" Morgan asked.

"Nothing. Savannah, I actually wanted to talk to you about this new medication I'm taking. I actually have it inside. Come with me?" Spencer said. Morgan shared a look with Savannah, and she nodded.

When she walked inside with Spencer, they sat down on Rossi's couch.

"You okay?" Savannah asked, nicely.

"Yeah, I'm great, actually. I wanted to talk to you about......... okay, well........ I'm gonna tell you something, obviously. Derek doesn't know. Don't tell him. I wanna tell him later today. The rest of the team knows."

Love Is Not A Choice (Reid/Alvez)Where stories live. Discover now