Are you sick?

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Spencer broke Luke's heart.

Of course, Spencer was completely oblivious. Luke had just returned from a difficult case to find Spencer sleeping on the couch and cuddling a pillow. Luke sat on the couch next to Spencer's disheveled body.

"Spence..." Luke said, softly, shaking Spencer's body a bit.

When Spencer didn't move, Luke shook him harder.

"What?" Spencer cried.

"Are you sick?" Luke asked, feeling his forehead.

Spencer whined, and held on to the pillow tighter. Luke hurried to the bathroom to get the thermometer and brought it back to Spencer: 101 degree fever.

"Spencer" Luke whispered.

"Yeah" Spencer whined, furrowing his brows.

"You should go lay in bed. You have a fever." Luke said.

Spencer whined, again, and wrapped his arms around Luke's torso.

"Spencer, come on."

"I wanna stay with you."

"I know, but you have to rest. You're sick."

"I don't wanna."

Spencer's voice cracked, and he started crying. Luke knew how sensitive he was, especially when he was sick. He wrapped his arms around him.

"Spencer, don't cry. You're okay, you're just sick."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not you need to rest."

"I wanna stay with you."

"I'll come lay with you in bed."

The realization dawned on Spencer that Luke was going to rest WITH him.



"Yeah." Spencer mumbled.

Luke stood up and pulled Spencer to his feet. He wobbled, but Luke held onto him and walked with him into the bedroom where Roxy was asleep on the floor. Spencer threw himself into bed, and tried pulling Luke with him.

"Wait, Spence let me get changed."

"You said you'd lay with me."

"I will in a minute. I'm still in my work clothes."

Spencer huffed, and crossed his arms. Luke pulled off his clothes as quickly as possible, and went to their dresser to find different ones.

Spencer pulled the blanket over himself in bed as he watched Luke.

"I guess this isn't bad." He joked, staring at Luke in his boxers.

Luke laughed, and continued looking for clothes.

"Striiiiiippppp" Spencer whined.

"Yeah, right." Luke muttered. He pulled out a t-shirt and sweatpants, and threw them on.

"You're not fun." Spencer cried.

"Once you're better I'll do whatever you want."

"I'm already starting to feel better."

"Then you'd better get thinking, doc."

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