"-Even after our child comes out, you don't have to worry. I'll be here to help you."

A short respite with my beloved watching over me soothed my irate mood. The smell of blooming flowers seeped in from outside the cabin. Haley began to hum a foreign tune; a song filled with high-pitched whistles, flowing through boundless sky. 

A violent lurch struck me, interrupting my sleep. Blows like a club beat against the inside of my womb. The muscles and tissue inside expanded and contracted as great pain soared through my body. Dr. Krume came to my aid. I looked in my husband's eyes for assurance; he held my hand and smiled.

"Now Mrs. Talulah, take a deep breath and push," Dr. Krume stated; I gave a weak nod. 

Searing pain soared throughout my body. I could feel the weight of my child pushing through my birth canal, but it didn't seem to pass. 

"AHHH! I hate you Rye!"

My grip on husband's hand tightened. My first attempt at pushing my child out failed, leaving me in a difficult position to continue. The pain was harrowing; the task was grueling. Haley gave me a few consoling words before I tried again.

"Ngh - AHHHHH!"

My body turned frail these past few months; I barely had any strength to stand, let alone give birth. The days of blissful languor and sleep. Sweat trickled down from my pores. I pushed and pushed, but it still didn't come out. Kaiser Rye whispered a few words in a soft voice hoping to calm me down, but it didn't work. 

"I see its head! Just a little more!" Haley said. I looked at my husband with watery eyes. He gave me a nod before I took one last breath, and with it, one last push. 


And it finally came. The sound of weak wails alarmed me, but Rye put a hand to my cheek calming me down. Dr. Krume and Haley used some water to wash away the fluids staining my child. They wrapped it in a small blanket before giving it to me.

"Congratulations Talulah, you got a new daughter," Haley stated.

"My... daughter?"

My fingers were sore after crushing my husband's hands. I caressed my daughter's cheek before a smile curled on my lips. Her ear-piercing cries hurt my ears, and I didn't know what to do. I tried shushing her in a soft voice, and it seemed to work.

But something wasn't right. Her wails stopped. A dark red liquid was oozing from her mouth along with a repugnant foam; my heart sunk.

"What?!" I shouted.

What's going on?

"She's drooling blood!"


"Dr. Krume, do something!"

This can't be happening!

"She's not breathing!"


A wave of hysteria erupted around me. My heart was beating faster; I started hyperventilating. My daughter was gasping for air, her thin arms were thrashing about as her small body was killing her.


My cry wasn't heard. Dr. Krume has already grabbed her from my arms. Kaiser Rye put a hand to my forehead and released his Arts on me. He whispered, "everything's going to be fine," in my ear. But how can things be fine?! I pushed his hand away, but he kept on casting his Arts.

No... NO!

My body refused to move; it slowly turned numb. The cries of my child persisted as everyone else tried to save her. The excruciating pain I endured moments prior resurfaced. My gaze was directed at my daughter.  I screamed and I wept as I tried to move my hand to reach her, but they all blocked her from my sight.

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