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Seonghwa's point of view

My eyebrows furrow together as everyone whispers throughout the outer office.

"She's so sexy did you see her?"
"She must be a model!"
"I wish I had three minutes with her."

Huh? My question is answered once I see my wife standing in front of my office. She gives me the same smile I fell for back in college.

Cina: You left your lunch.
Me: Thank you princess.

Deciding to make a statement to all the pigs, I pull her body against mine giving her a long kiss. Not only did I make sure they seen tongue I squeezed her ass for extra affect.

Cina scolds me as we walk into my office.

Me: Their eyes were staring at you longer than necessary.
Cina: You married a bad bitch.

My lord.

Cina: Wasn't San's desk in here too?
Me: It was but he pissed me off so it's in the hallway now.
Cina: Park Seonghwa!
Me: What? Eats annoying hearing someone open and smack on walnuts when you're trying to concentrate. I don't tell you how to run your hospital.

She deadpans.

Cina: Yes you do!
Me: All I said is you need to think twice about accepting people straight out of med school.
Cina: They're professionals!
Me: They're like an eighteen year old with their first credit card.
Cina: Shut up.

I giggle before kissing her cheek.

Me: I'm joking, I'm sure they're amazing. How many of their stitches did you have to redo?
Cina: Hwa!

She tries to hit my shoulder but I run away.


Yeosang's point of view

I did need more help at the pottery barn but I've never wanted to kill Wooyoung and Jongho as much as I do now. Being single has gave them both far too much time on their hands.

I've had to replace three different machines already because dumb and dumber destroyed them while cleaning.

Me: I'm signing you two up for match.com.
Jongho: I'm done with dating for a while, I need to find myself.
Wooyoung: Me too!
Me: Well in your spiritual journeys can you stop breaking my shit?
Jongho: I was thinking about going into business with Xiaojun.
Me: Cooking?
Jongho: He's thinking about opening his own gym.

I nod, that actually might be a good fit for him.

Wooyoung: Surprisingly, Sauni has been texting me.
Me: Saying what?
Wooyoung: She wants to meet up and talk, without all the yelling.
Jongho: Are you going to?
Wooyoung: Only for the sake of our child.
Me: Do you miss Sauni?

He smiles.

Wooyoung: I do, us breaking up was like losing my bestfriend. Could you imagine losing Cina?
Me: Never.

The thought alone pisses me off, the amount of pain I'd feel would be unbearable.

Jongho: I understand, you should definitely hear her out. Communication is key with any issue.

That is true.

Me: Speaking of communication, are you going to tell her you fucked Saelee?

His eyes widen.

Wooyoung: What if I don't and say I did?
Me: San can't hold water, he'll let it slip eventually.
Wooyoung: Shit.

Shit indeed my friend, shit indeed.


as you can tell this book will be ending soon. unlike the series this book didn't have a major plot, it was just some extras from the series we all grown to know and love!

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