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Santana's point of view

I take a sip of wine before pulling down on the lever one more time, all cherries! The machine goes off making Yuta glare at me again.

Me: Don't be mad because I'm kicking your ass.
Yuta: Four times in a row?

I look at the bunny bracelet Wonho gave me before the trip for "good luck." I stick out my tongue while collecting my winnings. I don't know about anyone else but I'm done for the night.

On my way to search for our friends a disoriented Cina runs up to me.

Cina: Have Kihyun sing at my funeral.
Me: Huh?
Cina: I gambled away my wedding ring!

I'll have the whole group song because Sang and Hwa is going to murder her.

Me: You what!
Cina: Listen I only took a set amount of money the rest is at the hotel and I had faith I could hit. Then he challenged me Santana, the bastard challenge me! I couldn't back down and I threw down my ring.
Me: That ring was..-
Cina: Don't remind me of the price!

I scratch my head, this is why we don't go on trips.


Once I get back to the hotel room I soak in a nice hot bath. Shownu is passed out drunk already, poor baby doesn't even drink but Wooyoung is that friend that pours liquor down your throat.

In the midst of me drying off and moisturizing someone knocks on our door. I toss on my robe on to go and answer it.

Kit: Hey Santana, sorry to bother you but is Xiaojun in there?

I blink, now why would he be in here?

Me: No.
Kit: Have you seen him?
Me: Not since we all left the casino. Go ask his sister.
Kit: I tried but she's sleep and Hongjoong doesn't know either.

I hum.

Me: Let me throw on some clothes I'll go help you find him.

The night life on the Vegas strip is wild. Everyone is friendly but a little bit too outgoing. I grip the pepper spray in my hand just in case.

Kit: Sorry to have you out here this late.
Me: It's no problem.

Everyone pretty much went back to their rooms so where the hell could he be. We search in other casinos and hotels, no one has seen him.

Vegas, almost four in the morning, if I were him where would I be?

Me: Was he drinking earlier?
Kit: Yeah, he was pretty tipsy.

I smile.

Me: I got it!

Whenever Xiaojun gets the slightest amount of drunk or tipsy he craves breakfast food. We go to one of the few twenty-four hour spots in Vegas.

Sure enough Xiao is sitting there devouring french toast and sausage.

Me: What a sight.

He glances at us before grinning.

Xiaojun: How'd you know I was here?
Me: Because I know you.

I flick him in the forehead.

Me: You had us worried!

He raises an eyebrow.

Me: Kit couldn't find you so I came to help her.
Xiaojun: Oh, sorry Kit I meant to tell you.
Kit: It's okay, as long as your safe.
Xiaojun: You guys hungry?

She shrugs.

Kit: I can eat.

He looks at me with hopeful eyes but I decline.

Me: Im going to make sure everyone is okay. See ya!
Xiaojun: You're going to walk back by yourself?
Me: I'm a big girl, I can handle myself.


The way back to the hotel seems more creepy, everyone pretty much deserted the streets. My eyes drift to the truck driving slowly up the street.

As expected it stops near me but I keep walking unfazed. Once two people hop out I haul ass.

If I get kidnapped in another country I'll be pissed. The guys are faster than they look, one grabs me from behind and before I can scream he places a napkin over my face.


Xiaojun's point of view

I reach for my drink but oddly enough the glass cracks.



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