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"Just the two of us, Hexcate. Let's play a game..."

There was a pause in the VC. Maybe it was in real life as well because, it felt like time had stopped. Those words must've stopped the world from spinning, well, Amity's world at least.

Everything was silent. There were no birds chirping or the faint sound of a lawnmower running. No cars speeding by on the streets or dogs barking. Not even Otabin dared to meow or make a sound.

"What...?" Amity croaked out after what seemed like an eternity.

"You heard me!" Luzura chuckled. "You and me, why don't we play a game together...let's get to know each other better!"

Once again, it went quiet.

"I don't..." Amity sighed and looked over at her other monitor which was still on Twitch but, she had closed off of Boscha's live stream awhile ago. Amity moved her cursor to hover over Luzura's live stream and lightly clicked down on her mouse, opening Luzura's live.

In less than a second, Luzura's face filled Amity's screen. But of course...

Leaning forward in her chair, chin placed in the palm of her hand while a big grin was plastered on her face, and eyes locked on the webcam was...Luzura.

"I don't bite, why are you so hesitant there, Hexcate?"

"I uh...." was all Amity could manage to say. She was basically making direct eye contact with Luzura and she could not even look at the girl without feeling nervous. More nervous than she had ever been in her entire life.

More nervous than any test she had studied hard for. More nervous than trying to get good grades to please her parents. More nervous than telling her friends that she had dropped out of college and was moving to Florida...

Amity felt like she was gonna pass out again.

Even though Amity didn't want to, she quickly averted her focus to Luzura's chat, which was even worse than looking into Luzura's eyes....


'And they were Minecraft buddies...'



'Two girls, chilling in a twitch stream, lots of miles apart cuz they're not gay'

"Oh my god..." Amity mumbled, staring at all the messages flying by.

The chat seemed to be moving a million miles per hour. It was so fast, Amity had trouble reading a single message. With the mix of hashtags and emojis, it was almost impossible to read...but, of course, she could read a few of the messages which made her flush red.


Amity quickly shot up from her chair, almost knocking it over with the sudden motion, and making her headphones start to slip off her head.

"Guys! Settle down!" Luzura sighed and shook her head, looking away from the webcam. "No no! I'm not gonna flirt with Hexcate!"

And with that, Amity fell back into her chair and sank into it, all while hiding her face that was almost as hot as fire in her hands...

"Oh wow Hexcate~ you and Luzura seem to be growing quite a large fan base...~" Boscha chimed into all the chaos, making it worse.

Amity sighed louder and sat up straight, peeking out from behind her hands. "Look! Let me get one thing straight-"

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