Chapter Seventeen

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A mousy looking maid stood in the doorway, her large brown eyes filled with concern.


"Might I help you dress, Miss?"

"No, thank you. That will not be necessary. I can manage myself."

"Oh." The young maid looked almost disappointed and she fidgeted with her fingers. Violet bit her lip and looked in the looking glass.

"I feel sick," she muttered to herself. Edmund was taking her to a ball that he had been invited to. His appearance was an obligation to his acquaintances of London, but Violet knew not why he insisted on bringing her along as well. She would be perfectly content staying in Kentley House, reading by a fire in solitude, while Edmund went out. She told him as much, too, but he insisted that she attend with him. Which was why Violet now felt sick.

"Shall I tell Mr. Langley you are unwell?"

"No, no, I am quite well. I'll be down in a few minutes." The maid nodded, her white-blond curls bobbing. Violet fiddled with her own hair, trying to make it look somewhat attractive. The mousy maid still stood in the doorway, looking rather unsure of herself.

"If I may, Miss," the maid started. Violet paused and looked back up at her. "You might want to plait some of your hair and pin it in the back. I reckon it's rather fashionable."

"Might you help me with my hair then? I'm afraid I have only gotten it to look pretty once this summer," Violet said, thinking back to her birthday dinner with the Langleys. That memory seemed to flood her mind often these days. The maid beamed at Violet's request for help, and she scurried over to her, likely thrilled with the chance to act as a lady's maid of sorts. Violet wasn't used to being waited on and assisted in such a way, but she could tell it brought the young girl's joy. She carefully plaited and twisted and pinned Violet's hair until it looked stunning. She wondered if this was what it was like to be wealthy. Next, the maid helped her into her evening gown. It felt nice to be back in her violet gown, as if she was reliving the happy night she and Edmund had first kissed. It was the only dress she had ever felt beautiful in, and yet something tugged at her, reminding her that tonight would be nothing like that one.

"It's as though I'm in a completely different world now. I doubt I'll fare well in London society."

"Oh, don't say that, Miss! You'll be wonderful." The mousy maid said with an innocent smile. There was something about her that put Violet at ease, and she took comfort in that feeling. She appreciated that the girl did not pry about her sudden appearance with Edmund. Why a strange, poor lady was suddenly living with Edmund Langley. Violet knew all the help must be burning with curiosity, but all this maid did was show kindness towards her. It was a welcomed change.

"Pray, what is your name?" Violet asked.

"Lilly, Miss," the maid said.

"Lilly. What a beautiful name," Violet said, testing the name out in her mouth. "I've always been fond of flowers." Lilly smiled, and gave her an unbalanced curtsy, as she was dismissed from the room. But before she left, she stopped and turned back at Violet, who was staring at herself in the looking glass.

"If I may say, Miss, I think you'll do splendid against the Londoners."

"Thank you, Lilly," Violet said with a smile. She was filled with a sudden burst of confidence for the night, though the feeling wouldn't last long.

The ballroom was crowded with voices and people. Edmund and Violet were announced, and it felt the whole world stared at them with appalled expressions, but in truth, few people paid any mind. They were too concerned with socializing themselves with the figures who had titles and importance. Still, somehow to Violet, if felt as though every critical eye was on her. With every glance she received, she feared what wicked thoughts and judgments were being made on her behalf.

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