Chapter One

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She ran through the maze, with hedges on either side, laughing. Violet's fists tightly clung to her muslin skirts and her eyes watched the tiny feet that pitter-pattered in front of her.

"I will catch you!" she cried, smiling. The small child squealed in response, and fastened the pace of his little feet. They turned a corner in the maze, without a thought of where they were going. All that was on their minds was to run as fast as they could.

Unfortunately, such childish games are often followed by consequences. The little boy's feet were now running too fast for his body. Within a moment's breath, he toppled face-first onto the ground beneath him, while his little feet laid solitary.

"Fredric!" cried Violet. She stopped at his side and crouched down to his aid. Fredric, though at the impressive age of four, who usually prided himself on being generally tough, now burst into tears. Violet scooped the crippled boy up into her arms and comforted him. Fredric's sobs were muffled as he rested his face against her chest. Violet could feel the bodice of her dress become spotted with wet tears. A tinge of panic filled her stomach; she prayed nothing was terribly wrong with him.

"There, there, Freddy," she said. "Let me have a look at you."

Fredric leaned back enough for Violet to examine his face. He sported a red cut on his left cheek, which Violet gently rubbed with the end of her apron.

"Just a little cut," Violet said in a light tone, trying to smile slightly. Fredric then lifted his palms to show her the scrapes he bore on them. Violet held each hand and wiped away the pebbles that had embedded themselves in his skin when he had fallen. Fredric's cries subsided, until no tears fell from his cheeks any longer. He rubbed his wet eyes with the back of his hand.

"Now, let's get you cleaned up before your Mama sees you," Violet said. Fredric nodded and took his governess's hand.

"How do we get out of the maze?" he asked. Ah yes, where were they in the maze? The hedges that surrounded them were several feet above Violet's head, preventing her from being able to easily determine their exit strategy. She looked back and forth at the possibilities for pathways and chose one at random.

"I believe it is this way," Violet said, with some level of confidence, and led her little student down the path. It took them a few minutes of backtracking and quick decision-making, but eventually the two found their way out of the maze. However, their greatest challenge was inside the Langley Estate. Violet had to get to the kitchen and clean up little Freddy before his mother saw him. Mrs. Langley was a woman very much concerned with appearances, and Violet feared her reaction Freddy's scrapes, dirty clothes, and overall disheveled look.

Violet held Fredric's small hand firmly as they walked down the corridor, about to turn the corner. If she could just clean him up before--

"Ah, Violet, there you are," said a voice from behind. The familiar high-pitched voice made Violent shudder silently. She turned on her heel to face Mrs. Langley.

The lady of the house had a tall, slim figure, and could be considered handsome by some. It was well-known that Mr. Langley married her not for her beauty or her countencence, but rather the heavy dowry which came paired with Katherine Langley, née Parks.

At the sight of her slightly disheveled child, Mrs. Langley's eyes widened in disgust.

"Good heavens! What on earth has happened to you Fredric?"

Fredric looked from Violet to his Mama, and said with spirited enthusiasm, "Violet and I were playing catch in the garden maze. It was awfully fun until I got hurt."

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