Chapter Twenty

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Violet ran through the garden, gripping her muslin skirts with tight fists. Its hem hovered scandalously high over her ankles, but such was necessary when running. A little girl weaved around trimmed hedges and flowers in front of her. She was surprisingly fast for a child of only three. Her giggles and squeals drifted through the air and sung in Violet's ears, causing her to giggle just as much.

"I will catch you, Elisabeth!" Violet laughed. The little girl darted behind a large elm tree, disappearing behind the thick trunk. Violet did not slow her pace as she approached the tree, wrapping her hand around it. Her fingers scraped against the rough bark.

Violet caught up to Elisabeth, whose bright orange girls gleamed in the sunlight. She reached for the girl, trying to tag her arm, but Elisabeth yelped and swerved away. Violet lurched forward, now unsteady, and collided with a large tree root. Her left ankle twisted as she collapsed to the ground, and she cried out in pain.

Elisabeth stopped short and stared for a moment at her playmate, slightly confused.

"Are you alright Ms. Violet?" she asked in a decidedly small voice. Violet clutched at her foot, trying to blink away tears. Her stocking was ripped from the fall, and she likely had scrapes on her leg from falling against the bark. But it was her ankle that swelled with sharp, stabbing pains.

"My ankle hurts immensely. Will you fetch your Mama?" Violet said in between steady breaths. Elisabeth nodded and sprinted toward the main house. Soon her Mama arrived, bunching her pale eyebrows with concern. Her red hair shined in the sunlight, much like her daughters, but it was a deeper, auburn color. Violet had never imagined the red-haired woman from the London ball would have hired her as a governess, but she did. She was a kind-hearted mistress, who always showed concern for her, which was something Violet had never received from Mrs. langley.

"Ms. Violet, you are hurt! Oh dear, I shall have one of the servants fetch the doctor," she said, crouching down to Violet, who was still draped on the ground.

"That isn't necessary, Mrs. Stevens, thank you. I'm certain with your assistance I will be able to stand and walk off the pain."

"Somehow I doubt that, dear," Mrs. Stevens replied with a soft smile. "I am sure Elisabeth will want you healed as quickly as possible, so you might play that delightful chase game of yours. And that must be done by the hands of a doctor."

Despite this speech, she complied, and attempted to pull Violet up, holding her in a tight grip by the arms. However, with even the slightest weight put on her left ankle, Violet yelped and collapsed back onto the ground.

"Perhaps I need a doctor," Violet sighed in defeat.

"Splendid! I shall have him fetched," Mrs. Stevens said, a little too happily. "It has been so very long since anyone needed a doctor, I daresay. We have been entirely too healthy here at Southsmith Park."

Mrs. Stevens found a male servant strong enough to carry Violet back inside. He rested her on the sofa in the drawing room to wait for the doctor's aid.

"Are you certain you should not want me in my bedchamber? I feel terrible for taking over your drawing room." Violet said, as Mrs. Stevens fluffed a pillow for her back. It felt rather odd for her employer to treat her so well, to service her in such a way. But that was Mrs. Stevens--caring to her core.

"Nonsense, you will have more natural sunlight in here." Mrs. Stevens said with a smile. Her eyes caught movement through the window, and her smile broadened. "The doctor is here. He will fix you right up, I am certain." She disappeared for a moment, leaving Violet alone in the drawing room.

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