Chapter Thirteen

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Violet felt ill. The kind of ill which felt like assault on her stomach, wounding it with a bleed of nausea. She could not stop her skin from shivering, despite the absence of chill in the air. It was all the cause of Mary and her threats. She did not, could not, sleep a wink last night, for Violet's mind was much too preoccupied with worries of what to do. As each hour ticked away, her deadline drew nearer. And yet, Violet still knew not what to do. Should she give Mary her wages? Or risk the exposure of her relationship with Edmund?

Oh Edmund.

Violet knew one thing, and that was that she could not tell Edmund of any of this. His thoughts and worries were to deal with his brother's debts, and not Violet's.

Violet reckoned some fresh air would do her good, so she took the children into the gardens for some exercise.

"Can we play chase?" Fredric asked Violet, as soon as they were released into the outdoors. His face was bright with a playful grin, already preparing to run as fast as he could. Violet's heart sank, knowing what she would have to tell them.

"I fear we cannot. Your Mama has informed me that if I am to take you outside for exercise, it must only be for a constitutional."

"But why?" Charlotte moaned.

"It is the only dignified form of physical activity. Apparently."

Charlotte and Fredric's faces fell considerably. Charlotte's eyes narrowed and turned a darker shade of blue--a phenomenon which only happened when she was about to challenge something.

"But what of cricket? Or fencing? Are those not considered dignified physical activities?" Charlotte asked, knowing very well that her own Papa partook in such sports.

"Are you suggesting we fence?" Violet asked with an amused smile, trying to lighten the conversation.

"Yes, let's!" Fredric chimed in, with sparkling eyes. The boy loved a good sword fight, as any young boy did.

"Children, let us not challenge your Mama's wishes. A nice walk about the gardens will do us all some good."

Charlotte rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically, but complied nonetheless. The trio began walking through the gardens, with a silence none were used to when in each others' company. Little Freddy pouted and dragged his feet from behind, clearly heartbroken their exertion would not include any form of running or swashbuckling swordplay. Violet tried to enjoy her surroundings, as they usually comforted her, but she found her efforts in vain. The warm August air seemed too hot, and the sun too bright. She walked with discomfort, causing sweat to moistened her brow. Her dress felt heavy, as if it was holding her down against her own will. But she continued walking.

Violet quickened her pace and entered the hedge maze, feeling the children's presence from behind. There was no logical thought on where they should go in the maze. She simply turned down whichever pathway she saw first, and the children followed. Violet made a sharp turn around a hedge wall, as her mind drifted back to Mary's threats.

Then, down the long pathway, with tall hedges on either side. She reached the end and turned left, then right, then--

As she rounded the corner of a hedge, Violet collided with Edmund. As they crashed into each other, she felt her foot stepping on Edmund's. Though he should have been the one to yelp, it was Violet who let out an exclamation.

"Edmund! You startled me!" Violet cried.

"And you're standing on my foot," Edmund said. Violet looked down at their feet, which were tangled closely together.

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