Chapter Two

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The next morning came like any other; Violet readied herself for the day and gathered the children for their morning lessons. Mrs. Langley did not care to be distracted by the children's studying, so they often did their lessons in a small drawing room, turned school room, away from the main part of the house.

Violet clapped her hands to gain the attention of little Freddy and Charlotte, who were still rubbing their eyes from the early morning.

"It is time to work on our letters, children. Please take out your chalk and slates," Violet said. Charlotte, with her long golden hair tied back with a ribbon, replied confidently, "I already know my letters, Miss Violet. I am six, after all."

"I know, dearest. You will be practicing the words we've been working on," Violet replied with a smile. Then she turned to Fredric, "Freddy, you will write your name ten times before we work on writing all of the letters in the alphabet." Freddy nodded enthusiastically and grabbed a small piece of white chalk.

"Watch me draw my name, Miss Violet," said Fredric with bright eyes. Violet nodded and sat next to him at his small chestnut writing table. Her small student drew a long, unsteady line on his slate, as he began to write 'F'. Violet watched proudly as her little Fredric wrote his name with great focus, needing coaching in only a few places. Though she had been governess to Charlotte for two years now, it had only been a few months since she started teaching Freddy, who up until being four, had been cared for by a nursemaid. But Violet already loved him, and his constant enthusiasm for learning and adventure.

"Miss Violet, I--I think I need your help," said Charlotte reluctantly, who was sitting nearby.

"Keep writing Fredric, you're doing wonderful," Violet said, before moving to Charlotte. Headstrong Charlotte, who disliked needing help with anything related to the written language. Charlotte's ambition in life, even at this young age, was to one day become a famous novelist. Of course at the moment, she could barely read and write, but Charlotte took pride in the little she was proficient in. Violet sometimes feared Charlotte put too much pressure on herself to be perfect academically. She knew in her heart no matter what, Charlotte had great potential.

"I'm having difficulties with writing this word," Charlotte said to Violet, pointing to one of the words Violet had written for her to copy. "I can't get it right." Charlotte bit her bottom lip and squeezed the chalk in her hand. Signs she was becoming frustrated with herself.

"That is perfectly normal to have difficulties," Violet said. She put her hand on Charlotte's small back and gave it a gentle rub. "Let's work on this together."

The two began writing, and Violet became so focused on helping Charlotte, that she didn't even notice Edmund Langley enter the room. He stood quietly at the doorway, dark eyes steadfast on Violet. Finally, Violet looked up and noticed him staring. He almost looked distant, as if he were deep in thought. When they locked eyes, however, this changed, and he suddenly became aware of his own presence within the room.

"I apologize for intruding, I--

"Oh, no. It is no intrusion at all," said Violet, rising from her seat.

"I don't believe we had a proper introduction yesterday. I am Edmund Langley,"

"Yes, I know," said Violet. Mr. Langley's rather surprised expression caused Violet to blush. She had not mean to say that out loud. Hesitant, she added, "I am Violet."

"Yes, I know--the governess," replied Mr. Langley. His playful smile relaxed Violet slightly.

The two stood some distance apart, he still in the doorway, and she next to Charlotte. For but a moment they stood staring silently at each other. Violet tried to find something of interest or politeness to say.

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