Chapter Three

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"Please, take a seat on the sofa," said Edmund Langley. Violet did as she was told, but not without vexation. She tried to push all thoughts from her mind as she watched Mr. Langley take off his coat and hang it on the pianoforte, which sat in the corner. He rolled up his white shirt sleeves, which contrasted with his stiff dark vest.

Violet took a deep breath and averted her eyes.

"Alright Miss Violet, let's see how terribly ill you are," Mr. Langley said with a light smile. Violet returned his smile, and began to tightly twist her fingers together in the lap of her still damp dress. Mr. Langley approached her and held out his hands close to her jaw. They hovered before her skin, awaiting to touch her, but before they did, Mr. Langley asked, "May I?"

Violet was a bit surprised by the question but she nodded and braced herself for his touch.

Mr. Langley rested his hands on either side of her neck, with his thumbs propped by Violet's jaw line. Violet was surprised by the warmth of his touch, and the gentleness which came from his strong hands. Her breath quickened.

Silently, Mr. Langley tilted her head up, and stared into her eyes, squinting slightly. He pressed his fingers into her skin. "No swollen glands," he said. "Open your mouth."

Violet parted her lips, which stuck slightly together from the sudden dryness of her mouth. Mr. Langley leaned over a bit, as he looked in her mouth. Violet noticed that in Mr. Langley's focused eyes, a wrinkle formed in between his brows. She fixated on that wrinkle, as if to distract herself from how close the rest of him was to her. She had never really been touched by a man before, and though Violet knew these touches were strictly professional, she still could not help feeling affected by them. Violet's only hope was that Mr. Langley could not hear the pounding of her heart banging against her rib cage, for it was all she herself could hear.

"You spoil me, Miss Violet," Mr. Langley said, drawing his hands away from Violet's face. Then, he gently took her left hand and turned her palm upwards.

"How so?" Violet asked. Her eyes darted from her upturned palm to Mr. Langley's face, half hidden by dark tendrils of hair which fell upon his face.

"It is not often I get to examine a real patient like you. Unfortunately medical school surrounds mostly the reading of textbooks and theoretical musings," Mr. Langley said, looking up at Violet. "So I appreciate your indulgence." He then put two fingers on her wrist and studied his pocket watch. "Pulse is a little fast, but normal. I believe you shall be fine, Miss Violet."

"I have not caught my death in the rain, then?" Violet asked, with a surprising hint of cheek. Mr. Langley laughed and stepped back.

"No, certainly not. Though I recommend you put on a dry frock and sit by the fire for a while. The warmth should take that shivering away."

"Thank you, Mr. Langley," Violet said, rising from her seat on the sofa. "Though I feel as though I should call you Dr. Langley, now."

"Hopefully you will in two years time," Mr. Langley said with a chuckle. The two exited the drawing room, and before Mr. Langley had the chance to say anything else, Violet darked away. She walked just slow enough to still be considered to be walking, with the speed of a light jog. She desperately needed to be alone with her thoughts and prayers. There, her confusing feelings surrounding Mr. Langley could be put to rest, now that he would no longer be in such close proximity to her.

Violet closed the door to her bedchambers behind her, and she leaned back against the smooth oak surface. Still gripping the round door knob behind her, Violet rested the crown of her head on the door and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath to relax herself.

Violet could not deny being slightly attracted to Edmund Langley. He was an undeniably attractive man, that even a young spinster like herself could not ignore. Whatever anxiety or miniscule pleasure she found in his presence was completely and utterly due to Violet's lack of familiarity with those of his sex and appearance.

Yes, that was the reason. She was almost certain that if any other young, handsome gentleman interacted with her as Mr. Langley had, she would feel the same way. Right?

Violet rubbed her face with tired eyes and walked further into her small bed chamber. She told herself silently that had likely been the last time she would ever speak to Mr. Langley, as their contrasting stations dictated. Of course, Violet had told herself that same thing the very first day she had met him, and she had been wrong then. Still, Violet pushed her feelings and silent worries away. Her room was dark, as it was now late in the evening and the sky was still shadowed by dark clouds. Despite this, Violet did not bother to light any candles. She somehow felt comforted in the darkness as she slipped out of her damp dress and into her nightgown.

Though she hadn't eaten dinner yet, Violet laid in her narrow bed, with the blankets to her chin. It did not matter, however, as she was not hungry. Instead, Violet closed her eyes and tried to ignore her luming thoughts about why she felt so unsettled around Mr. Langley. Her mind drifted to the money she had sent to her mother, and she hoped desperately that it would be enough to get her Mama by for a while. 

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