Chapter 33

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"You made the right choice" Hawk told me the next morning as we were walking to Cobra Kai, I nodded "I just didn't want to be without you" I mumbled he cupped my face "I'm glad you didn't," he said giving me a kiss, I smiled and held his hand. 

Our happy moment didn't last because the second we walked into the dojo we both froze standing next to Kreese was none other than Robbie Keene, I couldn't believe Robbie was here. "What the hell are you doing here" Hawk spat and Robbie turned around Hawk went up to Robbie in a threatening way "hold on," Kreese said "Mr.Keene is our guest"

Robbie smirked and looked at all of us "hi Bella" he said and Hawk walked in front of me "don't talk to her" he sneered, I hated Robbie, he kicked Miguel off the second floor. 

Hawk and I went to talk to Sensei Kreese privately "he's not one of us" Hawk yelled "he hurt Miguel" I yelled and Kreese looked at us "he was in the All Valley and we need strength" Hawk scoffed "yeah but we don't need him, he put Miguel in the hospital, he's the enemy" Kreese frowned "when I was your age it was hard to tell who was the enemy, you know what I learned" I knew exactly what he learned. 

"The enemy of your enemy is your friend" I finished for him Kreese chuckled "that's right" Hawk and I looked at each other, neither of us was thrilled that Robbie would be joining the team. 

"How could he do this" Hawk asked when we were out of his office "I have no idea" I mumbled Hawk glared at Robbie from across the room "we have to get him out of here," I said and hawk nodded "we will"

"Hey guys come here" Tory yelled we walked over to her "we need to get a new snake for Sensei," she said "how do you feel about going to the Zoo" Rickenburger laughed and high five Kyler, I had no idea what we are doing.

"In and out and we'll be good" Hawk was telling us he had made a plan to get Sensei a new snake "you know what you've gotta do?" Hawk asked Kyler who was finishing his beer "hell yeah" Kyler smirked "All alright sweet" Hawk grinned and then Robbie fucking Keene walked up.

"Someone took their sweet ass time," Tory said to Robbie "you invited him" Hawk snarled "I did, you got a problem with that?" Tory challenged Hawk "actually yeah" I mumbled so that only Hawk could hear "here ya go Keene" Kyler offered him a beer.

Robbie refused "I'm good," he said Hawk laughed "what you can't handle a sip of beer" Robbie smirked and walked closer "no, I just don't need a drink to pretend to be cool" I snorted "what the hell did you just say" I spat 

"Alright," Tory said holding me back "let's get going" I rolled my eyes and took Hawk's hand, we ducked under the fence and made our way into the zoo. "The zoo," Robbie asked, "why do we need to sneak in?" 

"You'll see" I snapped "come on let's go," Hawk said and we all started walking, we walked into a building and started to go up a flight of stairs Hawk looked around "alright two cameras over there and the guard goes on break once every hour," I thought for a moment "we have less than five minutes" I finished he nodded and we continued to run up the stairs. 

We walked to the snake exhibits and looked for the right one, I pointed when we found the Chinese cobra they all nodded. Kyler opened the door to where all the snake tanks were and I got out a sac to put the cobra in "you got the snake pole?" I asked Kyler 

"Aw shit" Kyler sighed "snake pole right" Hawk looked like he could kill someone "I orchestrated this entire plan, you didn't bring the one thing you were in charge of" Kyler rolled his eyes "I forgot ok, I have a lot on my mind right now if I don't pass trig this semester my dad's gonna shit in my mouth" Hawk looked confused about the analogy 

"Reach in and grab the damn snake" Tory whispered "are you insane, I'm not gonna stick my hand in there" Hawk yelled "hey who's in there?" a guard yelled "shit" we all ran for the exit 

"Wait Bella" Robbie whispered "come on we have to go" he frowned and reached in the snake tank I freaked out and opened the sac so he could drop it in "go go go" I whispered grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the reptile room.

Once we were safely outside the rest of the cobras sighed "we failed the mission" Hawk yelled "who said we failed" I asked and Robbie held up the sac "Bella and I got the snake" he said triumphantly "no way" Tory gasped the cobras laughed and congratulated us Hawk looked sad.

We opened the sac and saw the snake hissing "you're the man" Kyler yelled patting Robbie on the back Robbie gave me a side hug and I managed a small smile, I still didn't like him much. 

When we got to the Cobra Kai dojo Robbie and I put the snake in the terrarium "well done" Kreese congratulated us "I'm impressed you showed fearlessness, leadership, those are the quality you need to be a champion" Kreese walked to Robbie "good job" he pat Robbie on the back. 

"Oh hell no" I yelled stepping forward "Robbie has been here what one day and you give him the title of the new champion" I laughed "Hawk has worked so hard and you just throw that all away like it means nothing, just because Robbie over here cut his Dora hair and put someone in a fucking coma doesn't make him a champion if anything it makes him a criminal, Hawk deserves this one hundred times more than Robbie, you shouldn't be considered a champion just because you nearly kill someone" 

Hawk looked at me in surprise "you are a feisty one" Kreese said to me "do you really think Hawk is better suited" I scoffed "I would say it a million times, he doesn't show mercy but also doesn't break anyone back" Kreese nodded "well I don't care" my jaw dropped, what a dick he continued his speech

"You see what you can accomplish when you work together, alliances are important for us and our enemies but you'd better believe they are making alliances too" Tory looked up "what alliances," she asked "oh you didn't hear, Diaz and that LaRusso girl are working together" I wish I could punch his fat potato nose. 

"Well, it's getting late, dismissed" he yelled Robbie and Tory walked out immediately, tonight everything would change, I could feel it. 

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