Chapter 25

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I was awake but I didn't want to open my eyes, my face hurt and my arms and legs were stinging, I replayed the events, Miguel falling, me getting kicked into a trophy case, Tory starting the whole fight.

I opened my eyes almost blinded by the light that was shining down on me, I looked around and I realized I was in the hospital. I started crying, Hawk came in and rushed to my side, his hair was down and in waves around his face "Hawk" I sighed leaning into him "you know I don't like it when you call me that love" I grinned through my tears "sorry Eli" he smiled and kissed my forehead I loved being with him, he made he feel safe and happy. 

I had a lot of cuts from the glass but they were really tiny, the cut I had on my face was deep and it needed stitches. I would have a scar across my left cheek as a reminder of the school fight. "Is Miguel ok?" I asked Hawk, he looked down at his feet "Miguel hasn't woken up and only his family is allowed to see him" I nodded and tried not to cry because if I did, I wouldn't be able to stop. 

"You are going to be fine" Hawk whispered into my shoulder, "I hope so," I said. I wasn't worried about myself I was worried about Miguel. I took out my phone and looked at Instagram. Many people had posted pictures of Miguel.

I was about to post a comment under Demitri's Instagram post but some random person was saying that Miguel shouldn't have shown mercy to Robbie, it was like the person was saying that it was Miguel's fault

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I was about to post a comment under Demitri's Instagram post but some random person was saying that Miguel shouldn't have shown mercy to Robbie, it was like the person was saying that it was Miguel's fault. I felt really bad for Sam because most people were focusing on the fact that she dated Robbie and how she must be mad at him. 

"Don't look at that stuff if it makes you sad" Hawk told me pulling me to his side "I know, I just wanted to see what was going on" he nodded and kissed my forehead

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"Don't look at that stuff if it makes you sad" Hawk told me pulling me to his side "I know, I just wanted to see what was going on" he nodded and kissed my forehead. I wanted to see Miguel but I knew he was in critical condition. I was about to post my own picture when Demitri walked in. 

"What the hell are you doing here" Hawk spat walking up to him "I just wanted to apologize to Bella for kicking her into the trophy case, Bella I wasn't trying to kick you" I scoffed and rolled my eyes "Demitri you shouldn't have been trying to kick anyone into the trophy case" he glared at me "Hawk was the one who came after me" I sighed "only after you told everyone embarrassing things about him, you brought this upon your self" he let out a laugh "I should have known you would say that, in your eyes, Hawk can do no wrong" Demitri turned and left the room. 

"He's right, it's my fault this happened to you Bel" I frowned "Hawk don't blame yourself, I just wanted to protect you" he held my hands "I'm no good for you Bella" I felt tears well up in my eyes, was he about to break up with me "Eli you are perfect for me, we keep each other strong I need you" he hugged me "and I need you too, but I can't let you get hurt for me" I was trying to stay calm "Eli, don't leave me, you can't I love you" he chuckled "I would never leave you Bel" I smiled "good because if you did, well actually I wouldn't let you" 

Moon came to visit next "Bella I'm so sorry this happened to you," she said running to my side "having that party was a huge mistake, this is all my fault" I rolled my eyes and smiled "Moon it's not your fault, it's Tory's fault she was out of control" Moon nodded and gave me a hug. 

Hawk and Moon sandwiched me in between them, I didn't mind having them be near each other because Moon had a girlfriend named Piper and Hawk promised me he would never hurt me again, I believe him.

We lay on the hospital bed and listened to some music, eventually, I fell asleep on Hawk's chest.

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