Chapter 12

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The All Valley Under 18 Tournament Part One

Today was the day, I was getting ready for the All Valley I will be honest I was a little nervous, I couldn't fail. Moon was excited and kept telling me I would do amazing but I had low self-confidence at the moment. 

I had been texting Hawk all night and it got to the point where he told me I would be fine and to go to sleep, I didn't blame him I was being really annoying.

When Moon and I got to the building that housed the tournament I saw Miguel punching the air furiously. "Miguel, calm down man," Hawk said "save some for the tournament" I came up behind him and gave him a hug. 

"Don't bother he's been super aggressive ever since the break up" Aisha commented, "wait did Sam and Miguel break up?" I asked Hawk looked at me sadly "once you left the party Miguel got into a fight with Sam and some kid called Robbie, he kinda ended up punching Sam" my jaw dropped and Aisha signaled me not to say anything. 

"Where's sensei?" Hawk asked changing the subject, that's when I realized he looked very cute today with his blue flannel shirt and jeans, I was so lucky to have him in my life, "he'll be here" I assured him 

"I don't know about that" Bert cut in we all turned to look at the littlest Cobra Kai member "I saw him last night at the mini-mall, I was buying a carton of milk when I heard him in the parking lot yelling about how we are all gonna die, and he was drunk" we all started opened mouthed at Bert

"Well why didn't you tell us earlier" Aisha yelled "I don't know" Bert backed away I looked at Hawk and we both scoffed "I guess I'm used to seeing him drunk I didn't think it was  big deal," Bert said sadly "we are here and he's not" Hawk spat "so it's officially a big deal" 

"What if something happened to him," I asked "like what," Bert said I let out a humorless laugh "like what if he drove his car off a cliff or bought a gun and blew his brains out" Aisha shook her head "Sensei wouldn't kill himself it's too much of a pussy move" 

"Whatever" Hawk scoffed "he's not here we'll have to do it without him" I wrapped my arms around him to make him feel better and he held on tight to me, we were all nervous already but Sensei not being here made it so much worse. 

"Do what without me?" we all turned around and there he was I let out a sigh of relief and Hawk playfully punched me "we didn't think you would show up" Hawk said Sensei laughed "I may not always win but "I'll never back out of a fight" 

"Sweet let's sign up" Miguel snapped, he was not in a good mood this morning "not yet there is one more lesson I have to teach you," Sensei said we all looked around wondering what it could be.

'You have all learned to strike first, be aggressive, not be losers, taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything that you do, I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai, No mercy, the older you get the more you are going to learn, life isn't fair, you'll wake up one morning feeling great then life sends a spinning kick to your balls, takes a big steamy shit in your mouth, just when you think life is good everything falls apart that's how it goes, life shows for mercy, so why should we"

Hawk wrapped his arms around me and I kissed his cheek, Sensei continued talking "remember who you are, you are badass, you don't give a shit, you kick ass, your Cobra Kai" 

"COBRA KAI" Miguel yelled 

"YEAH" we all yelled back 

"Ok guys let's get out there and kick the shit out of everybody," Sensei said and we all nodded Miguel pulled out his white gi "no we aren't wearing those" Sensei told him I looked at Hawk in confusion what were we going to wear? 

We were presented with a new gi it was now the color black with yellow stripes along the edge. "Whatever happens I love you," Hawk told me I smiled and kissed him passionately "I love you too"

"Welcome everyone to the 50th annual All Valley under 18 karate championship" the announcer yelled and the crowd cheered I clung to Hawk I was very nervous "take a deep breath you will be ok and you will do amazing" Hawk assured me "ok thank you" I mumbled 

"Let's start by welcoming all the local dojo's competing this year" the announcer started calling the names of different dojos Hawk kissed my forehead because he knew I was still a little scared. 

"From Reseda returning to the tournament" 

"Cobra kai, cobra kai, cobra kai" we chanted until we got to our place next to the mat I took many deep breaths to calm myself "that's what I call an entrance and a badass name for a dojo" I tried to smile but my nerves were insane and I was shaking a little bit "let's hear it from cobra kai" the people in the crow cheered loudly 

"Woo go Bella" Moon yelled from the stands I gave her a smile and waved, Miguel and Sam were looking at each other, Sam was going to distract Miguel I hoped he would pay attention soon.   

"Fighting unaffiliated we have Mr.Robbie Keene" the boy came running out and Sensei gave him a weird look, I would need to find out what that was about. I nudged Hawk and made a sign asking him what was up with Sensei he shrugged but I could tell he was confused. 

"Alrighty folks get ready...IT'S KARATE TIME"

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