Chapter 28

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We were all sitting around at lunch, I was eating some carrots and watching Hawk juggle the ball when I heard a very loud Demitri. "Are you ready to rock our earth science presentation?" he asked Yasmin she frowned "I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk to each other on a regular basis" he put his hand to his chest looking offended "hey, hey, hey my popularity is on the rise while yours is steadily declining but maybe we can meet in the middle like a sexual ven diagram" I tried not to burst out laughing and Yasmin's disgusted face. 

I looked up at Hawk "hey 22 in a row new record" he smiled at the guy recording him and then saw Demitri getting a lot of attention because of his legos. Not a moment later Hawk's soccer ball flew into Demitri's science project and the people sitting at the table covered their faces to avoid the flying legos. 

All the Cobra Kais stood up giving him high-fives and pats on the back. I didn't know how to react so I just stood up and went to get Hawk's soccer ball. "Oh, sorry man" Hawk said as I passed him the ball "looks like my ball just got away from me" I walked over to Hawk and he put his arm around my shoulders "that took me three weeks to build," Demitri said in shock "meh took my ball three seconds to destroy" Hawk laughed and we walked away. 

Demitri came towards our lunch table "another week, another pissing contest" he growled "though I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much" I glared at Demitri "you landed one kick Demitri" I spat "you got lucky" then Sam joined and looked at us "you'd better back off or you won't be lucky" Hawk scoffed and looked at Counselor Black "yeah like you'll start anything princess, actually why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart" 

Sam shoved me and Hawk not very hard but we made it more dramatic, "what's going on here Ms. LaRusso" Counselor Black asked "you know our new guidelines against physical contact" she turned to Hawk, and I "did she enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent" Hawk looked at the ground "yeah she definitely triggered me in my safe space," Hawk said softly  

"What about you Bella?"I decided to follow Hawks lead "sometimes I just don't feel safe around Sam," I told Counselor blackwood "she has a lot of anger" Demitri and Sam stared at me opened mouth "what are you talking about, they started it by destroying my science project"

"That was an accident" Hawk blurted out "you probably shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway" Ricenburger and I looked at each other trying not to laugh, "I don't want excuses I just want you all to respect each other" Counselor Black said to us "she's right guys we should stop the aggression micro and macro" Hawk looked down at his feet "oh give me a break" Sam spat  "hey" Counselor Black yelled at Sam "consider this a warning Ms.LaRusso, oh and pick these legos up someone could get hurt"

After she walked away the cobras pat Hawk and me on the back laughing "for you pansies, no space is safe" Hawk laughed and we all walked back to our table. "You guys should be actors" Rickenburger laughed "well we put them in their place," Hawk said I looked back at Demitri and Sam who were glaring at me they probably thought I had been brainwashed by Hawk or something.

Next, we had soccer, I hated soccer so much I was good at it but I just don't get the appeal so I did cheerleading with Moon instead. Hawk and I walked onto the field with the rest of Cobra Kai trailing behind us. I gave him a kiss and joined Moon on the sidelines with pompoms. I watched Hawk leading our group I do have to say he looked very hot doing so, he was a great leader. 

The soccer game started and we began to do our cheers, I noticed something odd every chance Miyagi-Do got they would hurt the Cobra Kais in some way. Sam tripped a guy and then stepped on his stomach, then Hawk scored a goal "GO HAWK" I yelled waving the pompoms he ran by and winked causing me to blush a bit. 

Hawk continued to run and shoved a Miyagi-Do out of the way, I didn't blame him though after what Sam did to one of our players. I saw Demitri run-up to Hawk and say something that made him sad then Hawk looked back at me hurt, I didn't know what Demitri said but then Hawk was tripped. 

Rickenburger was taking a time out so I ran up to him "what happened with Hawk, do you know what Demitri told him?" he frowned at me "yeah Demitri told Hawk that you didn't love him and cheated on him with Miguel a while back" I groaned and kicked the bleachers making Rickenburger jump up alarmed "guess it's not true then" he said still looking surprised I nodded and ran over to the coach "can I join the game" she looked at Rickenburger who was still in time out and nodded handing me a jersey.

I ran onto the field, I didn't care where the ball was I just ran over to Demitri and kicked him in the stomach, it wasn't subtle but I didn't care I hated him for what he told Hawk. We continued to play until the coach made us all go to the principal's office. 

"I guess you heard what Demitri told me," Hawk said running up to me "yeah I did and it's not true, I would never cheat on you Eli, I love you too much to ever hurt you" he pulled me into a hug "I know princess, I love you too" I was glad Demitri hadn't ruined our relationship but I was very mad that he had tried. 

When we got to the office Hawk went in and came out with a red face we got off the hook thanks to Hawks's acting skills but the Miyagi-Do's had Saturday detention which made us all laugh.

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