Chapter 3

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That afternoon I went with Miguel to his dojo called Cobra Kai, the second I stepped in the Sensei gave me a weird look and told me that there are no girls in Karate.

"Why no girls," I asked him he glared at me "the same reason there are no girls in the army" I scowled and crossed my arms "Uh Sensei can I talk to you in your office," Miguel asked 

While they were gone I looked around the room, on the wall, there were letters that said strike first, strike hard, no mercy which I thought was an interesting quote but I tried not to judge. Sensei and Miguel came back, "After further consideration, I have decided to let girls learn karate" I smiled at Miguel and stepped on the mat. 

"alright show us what you've got Miss?" "oh I don't like my last name I just go as Bella" he nodded and Miguel got up to fight me. I blocked a few of his punches before kicking him in the stomach causing him to fall on the floor. "This girl is a natural cobra," Sensei said and I smiled happily. 

After another thirty minutes, Miguel and I went to in-n-out to get milkshakes, "that was really fun Miguel" I said "it's been a while since I did anything other than going home and do homework" he laughed "no problem Bella" 

We drove around for a bit talking about our home lives, I was jealous of Miguel his mom seemed to love him so much. 

I arrived back home and Moon ambushed me at the door "Bella where the hell have you been" I rolled my eyes and pushed past her "don't worry mom I was just with Miguel doing Karate" Moon sighed "Bella that's stupid you can't do Karate" "and why not Moon" she seemed lost for words "that's what I thought" I snapped.  

I walked up to my room and sat on my bed while looking at my phone. Miguel had tagged me in a photo on Instagram, I looked and it was a picture of us getting ready to fight I smiled and liked the picture. I followed Eli as well he had a really cute dog and seemed to love sour patch kids.

Tonight I decided to let Moon make the dinner cause she never did. Moon was too lazy to actually make anything so she just ordered pizza. I took a slice and went back to my room turning the tv on. 

I watched a few episodes of Reign and cried when Francis one of the main characters died then I went to bed excited for costume shopping with Eli tomorrow. 

I was getting ready to drive to school when Moon insisted that I go with her and Yasmine, I reluctantly agreed and grabbed my bag following Moon out to the car. Once I got in Moon immediately told Yasmine that she had gotten the 3rd ear-piercing, I rolled my eyes ear-piercings are apparently a huge deal to Yasmine. 

For the rest of the car ride, I tuned out their comments and focused on the french presentation I had today. 

I didn't see any of my friends at the door so I walked with Moon to English Yasmine had to use the bathroom. People jumped out of our way afraid again, it was so stupid just because we were rich doesn't mean we are better than anyone else. 

My French went by swimmingly and I moved onto lunch excited to see Eli and tell him about Karate. Miguel was there telling them about how good I was. "Is it true you kicked his ass?" Eli asked I laughed "yeah that's true" 

Demitri was still skeptical about this whole Karate thing but was becoming a tiny bit more interested. Eli kept looking at me during the whole lunchtime I pretended not to notice but it was cute. 

After school, I waited for Eli by my car he came out and I waved him over, I was so happy to finally be hanging out with Eli. 

"So what's your costume, Bella?" I sighed "I'm going as a Laker girl with Sam, Yasmine, and Moon, what do you think you want to be?" He thought for a moment "A plastic surgeon, I'll fix lips" I laughed 

We got to the mall and went to Spirit Halloween, Eli was so happy when I got him a pen that looked like a shot you would get at a doctor's appointment, Eli loved Halloween more than any other holiday. Eli got his doctor costume that came with a mask, we paid and walked out of the store. 

On our walk out of the mall, Eli took my hand and I was filled with happiness, I thought it was funny how small my hand was compared to his. 

I just kept liking this boy more and more, finally, he was comfortable with me even though it had only been three days I knew that Moon wouldn't approve but, to be honest, I didn't really care very much.

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