Chapter 20

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"I gotta go do something," Hawk told me, I had no idea what he was planning "what are you doing?" he gave me a small smile "I can't tell you I'm sorry love" I frowned but shook it off "ok if you must" I laughed he kissed the top of my head "I love you and I'll see you later" I nodded "I love you too"

I hoped Hawk wasn't doing something bad but I had a feeling he was I felt bad about the mall incident I planned on saying sorry to Miyagi-Do the next day. I decided to follow Hawk yes that is kind of weird but I didn't want him to hurt anybody. 

Hawk drove for about twenty minutes, I don't think he noticed my car. Hawk pulled up at a small place and lots of members from Cobra Kai were waiting for him. They all carried backpacks, when Hawk opened his bag he took out a can of spray paint. 

"Let's finish the fight" Hawk told the rest of them, they ran into the dojo I jumped out of the car to see if I could stop them. "Hawk?" he turned around to look at me in shock "h-how did you know where I was" I sighed "I followed you" he gave me a hug I really don't know why it was so random but I liked hugs. 

"I'm sorry Bella, Kreese told us to finish the fight" I nodded and continued to hug him "just don't do anything more please" he agreed and told the rest of Cobra Kai to stop they had thrown toilet paper everywhere and spraypainted a few things but it would have been worse if I hadn't stopped it. 

"wanna go to the beach?" I asked he shook his head "I'm really tired I think I'll just go home" I understood he probably felt ashamed "I love you more than anything Bel, don't forget that" I smiled widely "I love you too Eli" I didn't call him Eli much but when I did it was in a very affectionate way. I gave him a kiss and we said goodnight. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to apologize to Miyagi-Do because they would think that I was the reason their dojo was trashed. I didn't like what I had become I didn't want to be in Cobra Kai anymore but I couldn't leave Hawk. 

The next morning I drove to Cobra Kai for practice, Hawk and I were sparing a bit when Daniel LaRusso walked through the door. 

"Don't disrespect the dojo take your shoes off the mat" Johnny yelled Daniel scoffed "you really want to talk to me about disrespecting dojos after what you just did to mine" Hawk and I gave each other guilty looks "I don't know what you are talking about LaRusso" Johnny spat

Daniel walked up close to him "you don't earn the medal of honor by stealing it" I didn't even know someone took it "look I already told you I don't know what you are talking about"

Kreese was smirking from the side "you aren't even a Sensei do you even know what a Sensei is a Sensei doesn't teach destruction and disrespect" I took Hawk's hand because I knew he was feeling guilty. 

Daniel turned to look at all of the students "if you want to help yourselves before it's too late the doors to Miyagi-Do are wide open" this enraged Johnny "you can't come in here and poach my students" Daniel laughed "what are you gonna do about it" Johnny looked at him dangerously "I'm gonna be the bigger man"

"We'll see about that" Daniel said as he left the dojo, my jaw dropped when Chris and a few others left the dojo "where do you think you are going," Johnny asked them Chris sighed "I never liked it here," he said leaving 

We were all shocked but something told me that Kreese had a plan and as of right now it was moving along perfectly.   

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