Chapter 14

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Season 2

"Until next time no mercy bitches" Aisha sat down at our booth, we had ordered victory nachos and sprites, I had invited Moon just because we were trying to be better sisters to each other after all we were all each other had at home.

"I gotta say it's nice to be at a victory party" Demitri smiled and picked up a nacho "yeah except you had nothing to do with the victory" Hawk smirked talking Demitri's nacho and eating it "you should consider joining Cobra Kai again," I told Demitri "I'm sure Sensei Lawrance would take you back" he shrugged and grabbed another nacho. 

"I consider this party a belated celebration for the coding competition we won at coding camp, Demitri and Eli binary brothers" I burst out laughing and almost coughed up a nacho Moon and Aisha were dying of laughter with me, I could see Hawk was uncomfortable so I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Hey cool it with the nerd shit" Hawk whispered to Demitri there was an uncomfortable silence till Moon broke it "hey where's Miguel his wings are getting cold" she pointed to a basket of bbq chicken wings we looked over at a small hightop where he was sulking on his phone. 

"El Serpiente, there you are," Hawk said coming up to Miguel "this is not how you celebrate a victory party Miggy" I gave Miguel a hug "you gotta stop sulking over Sam" he hugged me back "but she blocked me" Hawk scoffed "so? what happens when you get blocked? you counterpunch, but don't actually hit her this time" I shook my head at Hawk he shouldn't have said that Miguel was already torn up over the fact that he had punched Sam while he was drunk. 

"Give Sam some time she'll come around" I assured him Hawk laughed "or maybe she won't but you are the champ now, you can get any girl you want" Miguel shook his head he only wanted Sam but he needed to get over her because I knew that there was a spark between her and Robbie Keene "your like drake enjoy," Hawk said and left the table sometimes his comments were so odd. 

I sat back down and we continued to eat our nachos, when Hawk got up to order desert Demetri cornered me. "Why is Hawk acting so weird " I frowned "what do you mean weird" he scoffed "he just told me to cool it with the nerd shit, isn't that kinda weird Bell" I bit my lip "Demitri, he isn't the same person, he's Hawk now Eli is gone your binary brother is gone and you are embarrassing him when you talk about stuff like that" Demetri rolled his eyes and turned to walk away "I should have known you would be on his side Bella" I threw my hands in the air "he's my boyfriend Demitri get used to it"

"what was that about?" Hawk asked hugging me I smiled "oh nothing he just asked me a question about our summer work" Hawk nodded we sat down and ate the brownie sundae he got for us. I loved him so much, I have originally gotten close with Eli but I loved both sides of Hawk. 

We ate the sunde which was amazing, I think this is the best desert I have every had.

"Do you think we will get new recruits?" Hawk asked "yes people will probably really want to learn karate" he smiled and kissed me "let's get out of here" he said suddenly "oh ok" I grabbed my stuff we said goodbye to Aisha and Miguel, I told Moon I would see her at home.

Hawk was driving me somewhere I decided to trust him. We were driving for a while and then Hawk pulled into a parking lot and he pulled me out of the car "where are we?" I asked he just shook his head "you'll see bel" he took my hand and we walked up a hill when we got to the top my jaw dropped. 

Loving youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora