Chapter 19

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Miguel, Hawk, Aisha, Tory, Chris, Mitch, and I were all eating dinner together. Tory and I were splitting the ice cream sundae and Hawk was still eating his chicken wings. "What do you think Miguel is doing" Tory whispered to me I shrugged "I have no idea why don't you ask?" she laughed and threw an ice cube at him Miguel looked up and gave us an annoyed face. 

Tory stood up with the rest of the ice cream sundae, it was really just a bit of ice cream at this point, she walked over to Miguel "Want the rest of this sundae I'm not gonna lie we already at the brownie and the whipped cream and most of the hot fudge" Miguel looked at her in amusement "so you just left me the melted ice cream?" she laughed "yeah the best part" I tried not to laugh "seriously what are you working on" she asked he rolled his eyes and blushed 

"What is it something dirty," Tory asked with a grin "no nothing dirty," he said quickly "show me" she laughed "ok I need a girl's opinion anyway," he said turning the computer around 

I looked around for Hawk he was standing over Chris and Mitch looking at Mitch's phone in disgust. I walked over and took the phone from him. "very unprofessional Sensei, doesn't take personal boundaries into account" I read the review out loud "who does he think he is" Hawk sneered and pressed on the profile both of us were astonished when we saw that it was Demitri. 

"He can't get away with this" Hawk scoffed "he won't" I assured him he thought for a minute and then came up with an idea "we might need to stop at the mall tomorrow, make sure we have backup"  I had no idea what Hawk was talking about but I trusted him. 

I went back to Tory who said she and Miguel were going to go do something fun, I decided not to press the subject but I knew exactly what Tory was planning on doing.

The next morning Hawk and I got ready to go to the mall "why are we going there to get revenge on Demitri?" I asked he smirked "didn't Demitri ever tell you he was obsessed with comic books" I shook my head "well the new issue of his favorite comic comes out today" I formed an O with my mouth and laughed "I shouldn't question you," I told him.

When we got there we found where the comic store was but before we went in we waited for Rickenburger, Mitch, Chris, and a few other people, once they got here we were ready for the ambush. 

"The Warlock of Dafoor is back? he just died, have some new content" we heard Demitri say before Hawk and I rounded the corner flanked by Mitch and Chris. 

"Still can't wait to read that new issue huh?" Hawk said to Demitri he looked up "nice hair, what is this your red hulk phase" I started to walk forward but Hawk did first "we saw your yelp review, take it down" 

This time I stepped up with him putting my hand on my hip. "And ruin my journalistic integrity, look I'm sorry but someone had to say something and besides taking it down could hurt my yelp elite status"

"No one gives a shit about your damn status" I spat at Demitri, Hawk pushed him into a stand of comics, "I said take it down" he repeated  Demitri walked up to us, "you think I'm afraid of you, I know who bother of you are especially you, Eli, so why don't you, Bella, Rocksteady and Bebop leave me alone. 

I laughed as he turned around to leave Rickenburger and some other dudes were blocking his path Demitri scoffed "great, so this is what it's come to, gang assault" I shrugged "Hawk said to take it down, or we take you down" Demitri looked shocked that I would say such a thing "Bella you are better than this" I shook my head "take the yelp review down" 

"No," he said "and you aren't the only ones who do karate, I just joined Miyagi-Do" Hawk and I laughed "All alright let's see what you got"

Hawk kicked Demitri in the stomach and swept his legs "some karate" I scoffed "HEY WHAT'S GOING ON BACK THERE" a store guy asked Demitri used the second that we were distracted to run away. 

"GET HIM" Hawk yelled and we all rushed forward Demitri ran into a bunch of people and a sunglasses stand. At hawks command, we all fanned out. 

Demitri ran to the food court where we cornered him "it didn't have to be this way you could have joined Cobra Kai if you weren't such a pussy" Hawk snarled "or you could have been a good girl and taken down the review" I spat Demitri backed away frightened 

"At least I'm not an asshole" he yelled Mitch grabbed him "your dead meat" Hawk growled but at that moment Sam and Robbie came out of nowhere "Robbie's mine" I yelled to Hawk who nodded 

I lunged at Robbie taking him down almost instantly, I didn't know what was going on behind me because I was too busy keeping Robbie from helping Sam, I hit him so many times that he couldn't get back up 

Mitch and Rickenburger took down Demitri who didn't put up much of a fight and confidently Hawk walked up to Sam "couldn't keep well enough alone could you princess" he spat before taking her out. We high-fived and walked out of the mall, neither of us wanted to get in trouble for that.

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