Chapter 29

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I opened my eyes, it was nine o'clock on Saturday. I rolled over and checked my phone I had a few messages. 


E: hey wanna do something fun today?
B: depends on what fun is
E: golf and stuff at 5? 
B: kk I guess we can do that
E: yay I love u bel
B: I love you too 


D: why did you do it?
D: I thought you were my friend 
D: hello?
D: are you ignoring me now
B: no stupid I was sleeping and why did I do what
D: why did you throw Miyagi-Do under the bus
B: Why did you tell Hawk I cheated on him?
D: ok ig thats fair, friends?
B: of course ttyl


R: are you going to golf and stuff with the rest of Cobra Kai?
B: yeppers 
R: good 
B: did u miss me lol 
R: I mean you are like the little sister I never had 
B: bro I'm like a month younger 
R: still 
B: lol ok 


M: want to get Starbucks 
B: lol sorry I just woke up but sure 
M: ok then get down here now so we can leave 
B: ok ok jeez 

I threw on a pair of jeans one of Hawk's shirts and a hoodie, I actually didn't know where the shirt came from it was just sitting there in my closet. "BELLA COME ON" Moon yelled "YOU GAVE ME LIKE THREE SECONDS" I yelled back slipping my shoes on. I ran down the stairs coming face to face with a disapproving Moon, "please Bella take longer" I rolled my eyes "shut up, let's go" she laughed and got in the car. Moon was such a positive person she could barely stay mad at anyone. 

"Ok, what do you want?" Moon asked me when she pulled up to the window "surprise me" she rolled her eyes knowing I was too lazy to look at a menu. "I ordered you a dragonfruit refresher" I gave her a thumbs up "sound good" she smiled and drove into a parking space so we could drink the drinks. 

"I don't understand you" she turned to me with a serious expression "what do you mean" she sighed "Hawk is such a bully why do you date him" I bit my lip "he's not a bully he's just been misled" she nodded and rolled her eyes "you would say that Bel" I frowned "well he is a really good person and always takes care of me, I think he just had a lot of sadness that he turned into anger"

"I guess that makes sense but it doesn't give him the right to be a bully" I looked out the window "I know it doesn't but I need to be there for him, I love him Moon" she grinned "I know you do, I've never seen you care about someone so much, I remember your best friend in fifth grade, the second she made someone cry you told her you wouldn't be friends with her anymore"

I laughed "that's different she wasn't misled that was just her personality, Hawk is complicated but deep down Eli is still there" Moon looked over at me, "I think he's good for you Bel, he makes you so happy even if he is a dick sometimes" I burst out laughing "yeah even then" 

I knew that one day Eli would come back to me, maybe not his looks or lack of confidence but his funny personality and sweet expressions would return I just wasn't sure when. "hey Moon wanna come to golf and stuff with me and Cobra Kai" she shook her head violently "heck no I am not getting wrapped up with Cobra Kai" I nodded my head laughing "ok." 

Now it was 4:30 and Hawk was going to pick me up any second, right on cue he pulled up on his motorbike I sighed I was so scared of those things but whatever. "Hey princess," he said kissing me "hi," I said timidly still scared of the bike, he laughed "don't worry you'll be fine" I frowned "ok, but if I die I'll kill you" he smirked thinking about what I had just said. 

I got onto the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist "you ready?" he asked me "no but we need to go" he nodded trying not to smile and drove out of the driveway. I hated this I felt so exposed to danger a car could hit us and we would both die, or he could randomly topple over and we could both break a few bones my main concern was falling off the back and getting run over by a car. 

We drove for a few more minutes, I had my eyes closed the whole time. Finally, I felt the bike slow down and I was able to open my eyes. Hawk pulled over next to the other Cobras there were only three others right now Rickenburger, Mitch, and some other dude. "Have a nice ride" Rickenburger asked laughing at my shocked state "haha very funny" my legs were shaking as I stepped off the bike. 

Hawk grabbed my hand and we ran into golf-n-stuff, he ran around for a bit punching basketballs out of kid's hands, and then we ran and stole a bunch of tickets from some girl "thank you" Hawk yelled sprinting away Rickenburger let out a loud laugh. 

We ran up to the prize desk where Chris was working and Hawk slammed down the tickets "hey buddy" Hawk yelled "hey prize munch" Mitch smirked "what do you guys want" Chris snapped "ooh not very friendly" I murmured getting a laugh from the Cobras "we want to spend our hard-earned tickets of course" Hawk laughed

"Why don't you be a good girl and grab us one of those bobble heads" Hawk pointed to them Chris went to get up one and Hawk jumped the counter throwing a few stuffed animals at us we all ran away laughing, "thanks Chris" Mitch yelled "tell your mom I miss her" Hawk turned around and smirked "yeah tell her to stop calling me" he sniggered. 

I watched as Hawk kicked at little cat stuffed animal, "nice" Mitch exclaimed Rickenburger clapped giving me a hug, Hawk didn't care that he was hugging me because he knew I would never cheat on him. 

"Beer time man" Mitch opened his backpack up to get the beer "who wants a warm one?" we all stared at him for a moment "who the hell wants a warm beer?" Hawk asked and I burst out laughing at his facial expression Hawk pushed him out of the way disappointed. 

I went up to Hawk and I was about kiss him when the lights went out leaving us with some blue led lights "what the hell" Mitch said and we all looked around till our eyes settled on Sam and some Miyagi-Dos who came in. 

"What do you want" Hawk spat Sam glared "payback" she started kicking Rickenburger and Chris ran at me shoving me into the wall, I was able to sweep his legs and run away. I saw Hawk being thrown to the ground and I went to help.

Mitch and Chris went at it while Rickenburger kicked a small Miyagi-Do off of him, Sam was about to end one of the members of Cobra Kai when Tory walked in. 

"Sam LaRusso" Tory called out and Sam froze "where are you bitch" Tory continued and Sam ran away, I think she was about to have a panic attack Tory was super scary if you got on her bad side. 

Rickenburger got Chris in a strangle hold and Hawk was going after Demitri, Tory took out a few people while she was looking for Sam "show yourself LaRusso" she yelled I ran to Sam she was really scared. I wrapped my arms around her and stayed on the floor with her so that she wouldn't alone. 

Sam and I saw Demitri on the floor with Hawk holding him in a position that was used to break peoples arms, I got up off of the floor and ran to him "Hawk please don't do this,  he's your friend" I whispered he shoved me away, I could tell he didn't want to do this but the Cobra Kais were telling him to him to finish Demitri and yelling not to be a pussy. 

"No please stop, Eli" Demitri said with panic in his voice "stop stop, it's me Demitri" Hawk continued to hold him in the painfull position "It's fine I'll go I'll go" he pleaded and right before my eyes Hawk snapped his arm causing a sickening crack. 

I was shaking and breathing hevily while Demitri was moaning on the floor in pain "pussy" Tory said looking at Demitri wailing "nice" she pat Hawk on the back "this isn't over LaRusso" she yelled, the rest of Cobra Kai walked away, Hawk had gone too far. 

I rushed to Demitri's side "Demitri, youre going to be ok" I looked around "Sam, Sam come on we need you" I yelled and she rushed over crying "Bel-" Hawk began I whipped around "Hawk just go, you'ver done enough" he looked down "Bella" I pushed him "just go" I whispered. 

I couldn't believe Hawk had just snapped his best friends arm.  

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