8. Past Mistakes

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I stood up and walked out of the cold room. Up to the first floor I knocked on the door of the captain's office. Paname opened the door and looked at me questioning. Immediately I spoke, "I want to check up every person on this ship."

"Why?" He asked more confused.

"The murderer most likely hurt themselve to make a fake evidence. I want that every person need to be checked for scars or other wounds that could bleed." This explanation was enough for him to understand. He stood there frowning, thinking if it's worth disturbing the guests for this.

"Alright," he answered, "But we'll do it tomorrow morning when everyone is assembled in the dining room. That will be the last time I do a favor for you." I nodded happily and Panama went back to his office.

It's not great that I have to wait until tomorrow, but something like wounds can't get away over the night. Finally I will know who tried to frame my uncle.

I walked back down to room 33. On the hallway I already could here that my uncle is practicing on his instrument. Slowly I opened the door and stepped inside, not wanting to disturb him. He hated it when someone is disturbing his concentration. Austria stood next to the table and if I'm correct he's playing March in F major. It's hard for me to distinguish the difference between other violin music and he goes immediately on a rant if I guess it wrong.

I sat on the bed and waited until my uncle finally realized that I'm here. He was halfway through the music until he slightly turned around and jumped after seeing me. My uncle stopped playing and asked me, "How long were you here?"

I shrugged with my shoulders, "Only a minute or two. Sorry for scaring you."

"It's alright," he said, "Did you found something new?"

With a smile I nodded, "Yes and I can say that tomorrow I'm able to proof your innocents."

His face beamed, "That's great! Finally I can get out of my room." He placed his instrument on the table.

Without a warning my stomach growled. My uncle asked me worried, "Did you ate something today?"

"I forgot," I answered silently. He sighed, "How about we order something to us."

I nodded and as soon as a personal came to check on Austria we both asked to eat in our room.

Thankfully today I got a normal dish. Grilled steak with mashed potato and a salad. Austria also ate the same dish and we both spent the time to talk about other things that didn't related to the murder.

It's nice to have this little break. After a while someone knocked on the door and I stood up to open it.

Behind it stood Hungary and I let him in.
"Hey. How are you?" he asked to Austria.
He answered melodramatic, "Good actually. I'm surprised that my dear lill brother finally decided to pay a visit to me."

"Yeah yeah, you always have to overreact, "commented Hungary, "Oh and it's okay if my friends will come with a couple of drinks."

Austria smirked, "As if I ever say no to drinks."

We all sat together and they both told many different stories. Especially about the time when I and East were children.

"Damn he really painted on your wall?" asked Hungary trying his best to hold a laugh. Austria answered while holding a beer in his hand, "Yup I was really angry at East. Of course as punishment he had to clean up his scribbles."

Still giggling Hungary shaked his head and said, "I wish I was there. I would probably motivated him to do more stupid stuff."

"Oh yes definitely," Austria approved.

The Swimming Death Trap [A CH Murder Mystery] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz