Bonus Chapter || Tiger Lily

Start from the beginning

When I'm done with my business, I clean myself up and wash my hands, shooting finger guns at myself again. I begin to walk towards the elevator, when I feel something pop. And then something wet...

Uh oh. When I said they'll be here soon, I didn't mean this soon! I still didn't finish reading the Parenting books that I totally procrastinated on!

"Adrian!" I call out. "I'm pretty sure my water broke! Get your ass over- Oh hi. I didn't know I married the Flash," I comment, looking at Adrian who was already here.

"Should I call 911?" He asks, clearly panicking. "What's the number for 911?! Oh my God, you're going to die!" I roll my eyes before bringing out my phone and ringing 911 myself. I hold it out to him so he can speak.

"Her water broke!" He shouts into the phone. "No, she does not look in pain, but she could be panicking on the inside!"

Find the zen, Bailey. Resist the urge to break that vase on your husband's head.

"Okay, the ambulance will be here soon," He tells me. "It's going to be okay." He says that in a way that makes me believe that he's saying that to himself.

Oh boy.


Nope, I'm going into fucking labor. I can't do this. I can't fucking do it. Having kids is more painful than I thought. We aren't even in the fucking hospital yet! "FUCK!" I yelled as I felt a pain in my belly.

"That's normal," The nurse smiles at me calmly.

"Don't tell me it's fucking normal! I'm having kids! I'm twenty-four and having kids! Leave me alone! Actually, don't leave me alone, I might die."

The ambulance came to a stop and the doors opened as they wheeled me out and into the hospital. I closed my eyes, thinking to myself about how I was going to kill Adrian for getting me pregnant.

It doesn't matter if we were ready! I don't care if I told him I wanted a kid! He was going to die! I know where he keeps his guns! I'm not afraid to use them!

As they wheel me inside, I notice that my friends are here too. Well, it's actually only Anna, and Luna. Dylan, Blake and Kaden were with Teddy's math competition. I just know they're helping him cheat.

I also think I'm distracting myself excellently.

When they have me on a hospital bed, with Adrian right next to me, and Anna and Luna here for support because Adrian can't stop panicking, they tell me to push.

"Push," One of the doctors tells me.

"I'M FUCKING TRYING!" I yell as sweat trickles down my forehead.

"You got this you bad bitch!" Anna cheers.

"Oh my God, Teddy won the math competition!" Luna squeals. "I mean, yes Bailey! Let's get those babies out of your body! Whoo!"

"Adrian, I can't do this," I breathe. "It hurts, I'm scared."

"Don't stop," He whispers in my ear. "Because you're a strong queen. You're my strong queen and when our kids are born, Teddy will be a big brother to them. They'll have a loving dad and an even more loving mom."

As he continues to whisper in my ear, I continue to push until I hear the first crying sound. My son was officially born. "One more to go!" Anna cheers. Finding motivation to push, I begin again and after a few minutes later, my daughter comes out.

A couple minutes later, the doctors place my son in my arms and soon, places my daughter in Adrian's arms. When I look at him, at mine, I feel a different kind of love. When I look at the life I gave birth to all huddled up in a little blanket, nothing matters anymore.

I turn to Adrian, who is crying as he looks at our daughter the way a father looks at his daughter. His face crumples up every so slightly as he smiles through his tears. Tears well up in my eyes too and I look at them both. "I'm naming him Tiger," I declare in a quiet voice.

"Then her name is Lily," Adrian whispers. "Tiger Lily, like the flower." 

"Tiger and Lily," I repeat as Adrian places my daughter in my arms. I look at the both of them. They look as soft and delicate as flowers, and all the pain I went through fades away.

"Welcome to the world." 


a/n: Tiger Lily, like the flower ;) The exotic, beautiful flower. idk where tf this idea came from, I thought, since they named their tortoise Giraffe, why not name their child after an animal too? and then I thought, TWINS! and then I remembered the flower. I was like, TIGER LILY! 

what did you think of this chapter >>> 

my mind has done enough creating the past two-ish months. i need a break. i also have a deathly headache right now, but i'm in class- so haha. anyway. i'm not going to publish for a while, but i'll continue to play around with story plots and stuff and create characters that i can fall in love with and when i'm ready again, i'll come back with a new book. 

of course i'll still be reading on wattpad, but that's about it haha. 

i already have several plots in mind, i just wanna choose which one. and i need to determine if i'm ready to write and FINISH the book instead of just quitting half way. 

sooooo yeahhhhh, anyway, i hope you liked this bonus chapter. i love you so so so so muchh!!!! ♥️😭♥️♥️♥️

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