Chapter 1

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Sapphires POV

I woke up trying to muffle my screams, same nightmare just another day. Got dressed making sure to cover my back and put jeans on, everyone thinks I'm crazy, you should be wearing shorts and a strappy top, no way in hell, not at the moment, my hair comes down to to where my ribs end, when I moved to Michigan I dyed the ends of it and this week it's purple, I'm living with my aunt and uncle with there kids Casey who is my age 16/17 and Cassie who is 2 years younger than us.
Before they moved to America I was very close to Casey we both liked to cause a bit of mischief nothing major just jokey stuff, I missed it when they left, I hope we can become close again, but from what Cassie said he is always in trouble with his football friends and doesn't really bother with school and just sleeps around, wonder what happened to him, life probably.
"Hey Fire get down here" I think that was Casey, I roll off the bed and make my way down stairs into the lounge where Casey is with his friends I guess, they all turn and just stare at me, there's just silence, " Can I help you? You have all turned into guppy fish close your mouths" I said as I wonder over to Casey and mess up his hair.
"Fire, this is Chase, Lucas, Zac and Kyle"
"Hi, is that all you wanted?"
" Mum said we need to show you round and introduce you to people"
"Of course she did, please note the sarcasm, I'll go and get my bag"
I grab my bag and my jacket, we headed out the door.
" wow, who's bike is that, love it, is it custom built ?"
"How do you know about bikes?" Chase said as I was crouching down and running my hands over it.
"Oh, ummm I draw designs on bikes for my best friends brothers shop, in England you can't learn to ride a bike until your 17, you can get a scooter at 16, so from the age of 14 I've been working in the shop and having private lessons" I said as I looked up at him and winked
"Well we where gonna go by cars but I'm happy to drive my motorbike if you want a lift"
" Yes please, ummm where are we going"
" The mall" said Kyle
" Just kill me now"
" what I thought all girls love to shop" said Kyle
" I hate it, I avoid it like the plague" I said grabbing a helmet from Chase
We are now sitting having lunch at this burger joint.
Casey has blue eyes, short spiked brown hair, we sort of look related, he is definitely the leader of the group.
Lucas has a lovely smile with dark green eyes, and strawberry blonde hair that is just long enough to run your fingers through because that's all he does. He is the out going jokey one, loves a prank by the looks of it,
Kyle has light green eyes, with a slight tan, his hair blonde and swept over to one side of his face.
Chase has blue eyes, a really sweet smile with dimples, with dark brown hair that's very similar to Lucas in the fact it's just long enough to run your hairs through.
Zac has jet black hair with hazel eyes that have a bit of a gold look to them in the light, he is the quiet one of the group
They are all around 6 foot and definitely work out well you have to be if your playing American football.
" So let me guess, you are the jocks aka the players that like to sleep around with anything in a short skirt"
" Hey" they all say
"No one has disagreed with me, moving on, the group of plastic Barbies over there are the cheerleaders aka the short skirts that you sleep around with, boys you need to higher your standards" I say smirking at them whilst they look at each other a bit embarrassed
" Then you have the geeks or nerds as you call them, you take the piss out of them, push them over, then the emo's and goths, I'm guessing you keep out there way and lastly there must be at least one group of bad boys, so how did I do?" I said looking at each of them smiling
"Yeah you summed up school pretty well, so which are you?" Said Zac
" ummmm, well considering I worked in a motorbike shop, I have leather jackets and I got into fights, I think I'm a bad girl" I said with a laugh
" What, mum never said anything" Casey said a little stunned
" parents don't know everything" I said looking at my hands frowning
"So, who is going to come over to me and tell me to back off from you guys out of the plastic barbies over there giving me the evils" they all turn round to look at them and laugh.
" Yeah you might want to be careful of Stacey and Madison and maybe Claire" Lucas said
"Wow they even have Barbie names" laughing
We went back home and watched some movies, my phone started to ring,
" Hi Richie, I've missed you so much" I said as I walked out the room. I spent the next half hour talking to him, catching up on the gossip,

Sapphire & Liamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें