Chan hyung went around to take some pictures of it and talk with the tourists that came from other counties.

In the meantime, I stayed seated for more minutes to recover some more.

When I was about to stand up, a sound came from behind me and that made me turn around.

My eyes widened when the cute guy from two days ago appeared right in front of me.

"Wooow~~ it's so beautiful," he exclaimed as soon as his eyes landed on the lake, "it looks better in real life!!"

I stood up clumsily, trying not to look like a loser. But I failed.

Fortunately, he didn't notice me. He was so busy admiring the lake to even paid attention to me.

The cute boy walked past me and went in Chan's direction, where the latter was still taking pictures and talking with foreigners.

Mount Hallasan lost my interest in a second. It didn't matter the lake to me anymore because my eyes kept glued to that boy since the moment he arrived.

He seemed to be alone today because minutes passed and no one appeared by his side, which was strange for me.

After an hour or so, Chan hyung asked me to go down the mountain, but I refused.

"Let's wait a little bit more, hyung..." I said, scratching the back of my head. I was not prepared to tell him about that cute boy I was looking at. If I tell him that I am interested in someone that has a boyfriend, he would surely scold me for the whole vacation.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go and eat something after this?" The older asked while scrolling through the pictures he snapped.

"Y-Yes, I want to...but...let's stay here some more minutes," I got a little bit nervous. "Let's eat later..."

"Alright..." He replied while still looking at his phone, "tell me when you want to go,"

I just hummed in response and kept watching over a certain boy that called my attention.

That person kept roaming around the place, admiring every spot of the beautiful mountain on his own. He was also taking pictures and talking with whoever he crossed paths with.

For some reason, I didn't want to get down the mount without him.

He was alone here, and that didn't seem right to me. Even though he looked friendly and talked with some people, he remained alone once the conversation got over.

So I opted to stay there and watch over him. I wanted to go and take care of that guy but secretly. He has a boyfriend, and I respect that.

After half an hour, he looked at his phone and soon took his backpack, ready to go.

It was until that moment that I told Chan hyung that we could go and eat something.

The cute boy was walking mindlessly, still admiring the surroundings while Chan hyung and I were just some meters behind him.

I felt relief when the three of us got down the mountain without a problem and walked the whole road straight to the car.

My friend kept talking to me about random stuff, but to be honest I didn't listen to any of it.

The whole way down, my eyes kept glued to that cute boy in case he needed some help or, more precisely, me just being a stalker.


All the vacations went like this. I occasionally met him in different places where our destination crossed by coincidence.

Sometimes he was alone, and other times he was in the company of his boyfriend.

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