Chapter 16

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Arriving at the ball Taehyung glowed in his dress as well as Jeongguk in his suit.

Arriving at the ball Taehyung glowed in his dress as well as Jeongguk in his suit

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Jeongguk was kind of sceptical about the dress, but he didn't want to restrict Taehyung from feeling confident in anything he wore

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Jeongguk was kind of sceptical about the dress, but he didn't want to restrict Taehyung from feeling confident in anything he wore.

When hey walked inside the big hall, all eyes were on them. Their arms laced, bowing slightly they made their way to the bar area. Giggling to each other Jeongguk ordered two sodas and they leaned by the counter looking at the people.

"MY BABY!" someone shouted and ran towards the devilish pair. Jeongguk immediately stand in front of Taehyung when he recognized his parents coming up to them. "Ahh Tae bear, where have you been, we were so worried." Chanyeol spoke spreading his arms going to hug Taehyung when Jeongguk stopped him. "Sorry Mr. Park but please stay back for a little." Jeongguk spoke clam and politely, bowing to the pair. Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at Jeongguk confused then averted their gaze to Taehyung who drank his soda unbothered. "Taehyung?" Baekhyun called out getting a glance from his son. Taehyung set the soda on the counter and moved to Jeongguks side. "Hey mom, dad." They smiled at the boy while Taehyung had a tight lip smile. "Where were you all these years? And how did you end up with this man?"

Taehyung looked at his parents and showed them his ring. "We're engaged, and for my whereabouts, I lived on the streets and not one day did you try to look for me. So, don't act worried." They were taken aback by the tone and glared at Jeongguk. "What did you tell him?" Baekhyun growled and almost jumped on Jeongguk when Taehyung spoke again. "He told me that my parents are a part of a mafia and didn't tell me, and that you're not a Kim but a Park." He smiled gently looking at how the pair looked anywhere else except the boy.

"We are sorry, really. Now that you know you can come and live with us you don't have to be with him anymore." Baekhyun spoke with pleading eyes at a verge of crying, Chanyeol rubbing his back in a comforting way. "No, mom, I'm getting married to Jeongguk. He took me in a took care of me. I love him dearly and he loves me."

Baekhyun was really mad, and the devilish pair could see the anger raise through his eyes. "We will get you back whether you like it or not" Jeongguk chuckled and plastered a psycho smile on his face looking dead into Baekhyun's eyes. "You can only try, but you will fail." And with that Jeongguk pulled Taehyung by his waist and moved to the food area where he was sure that he will find his brother there.

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