Chapter 23

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The week the Kim family spent at castle gave Taehyung an opportunity to know more about how to take care of kids and how the pregnancy goes. Seokjin and Namjoom and their three little girls they bonded and built a friendship. Taehyung was happy and Jeongguk was happy to see his queen happy having decent friends.

Months went by and Taehyungs belly got bigger and bigger. Jeongguk will shower the boy in love and kisses making the boy flush and feel all giddy in love.

"You want another pair baby?" The pair was visiting Earth picking out some baby clothes and new clothes for Taehyung. As they were there they visited a hospital for an ultrasound and found out they were having twins a girl and boy. So they decided to buy some clothes since they have the nursery all done back home.

"Hmm, yeah, maybe one or two sizes bigger so when they grow up we won't have to come here frequently." Taehyung answered looking at the matching boy and girl shoes. Jeongguk nodded and put four pairs each in the shopping cart. "We can always tell our people to make some baby shoes. They would be delighted." Taehyung nodded in agreement. "Well, we won't have to say anything to them. They will make a lot of baby things as presents when they are born." Jeongguk chuckled and nodded.

Well his people are one of a kind. Even thought they did horrible things while they were alive. They live a comfortable life as they are in hell. Some are still greedy but those who grew out of their past doings live normally just waiting for the end of days.

"We should call Jinnie and Joonie for dinner with their kids tonight." Taehyung spoke as they walked through the castle moving to their room. "Okay, what would you like us to make?" Taehyung rubbed his chin and belly at the same time. Thinking of a good meal, his thought went over dozens of meals. Setting his thoughts for simple but nurturing meals he spoke. "Bulgogi, mandoo, kimchi jigae and rice-crispy treats." The pregnant male spoke his eyes sparkling at the imagination of food on the table all for him. Jeongguk shook his head knowing very well what the boy thought and just nodded. Yugyeom soon came to the pair's room. They talked a little bit then the demon went to the kitchen advising the chefs and the meals. Noting that they should make a lot since the pregnant male can eat a lot.

That night was spent with Taehyung and Seokjin relating about their married life and kids. While Namjoon and Jeongguk spoke business and sometimes joking around. It was lively and Taehyung wanted this atmosphere to last for the rest of his life. He was so happy he couldn't get enough of it. They even made plans on how their kids would marry each other. It was a fun and happy night.

Three nights later Taehyung was sitting in the living room watching 'How I met your Mother' while drinking blood. Jeongguk was out looking over the situation with the people and looking where he can build a playground.

As he stood up he felt a sharp pain go through his lower stomach. Taking a deep breath his eyes widened at the sight of blood sliding down his legs. "Oh no." he whispered out then he screamed bloody murder. Yugyeom and four guards came into the room in a panic and ready to kill whoever wanted to harm their queen.

"What happened my queen!?" one of the guards asked as he looked over the room not finding anyone other than the queen. "I'm in labor!" Taehyung exclaimed through groans and little screams. His eye's tearing up. Yugyeom walked up to Taehyung in hurry and he froze in his steps after he noticed the blood under Taehyung. "Oh shit." He let out and within seconds his wings got out and carried Taehyung to his and Jeongguks room. "Go call Jeongguk and Seokjin now!" without spearing a second the guards turn into ashes, and two minutes later Seokjin and Jeongguk were present in the room.

"Baby, take deep breaths, okay." Taehyung nodded feeling calm after hearing Jeongguks voice. "Prepare hot water and blankets for the babies. Get me towels so I can stop the bleeding." Seokjin spoke calmly as he positioned Taehyungs legs up. Looking down at Taehuyng lower region he let out a sigh of relief. "Okay my queen, you need to push when I say so. Take deep breaths and don't pass out." Taehyung nodded and took deep breaths looking at Jeongguk by his side ho was smiling with sparkly eyes. "You can do it baby. I believe in you."

And with that Taehyung screamed loudly pushing hard. He felt like his legs aren't his. His whole lower region had no feeling. Fearing the worst he didn't lose faith and just pushed when he was told. "Push one more time." And with that one push a baby's cry was heard. "Congratulations, it a boy." Everyone let out a sigh with a big smile. But the celebrations will continue after the other baby is born.

Three pushes later the babygirl was out and healthy. Taehyung was crying from the pain and happiness. His babies are born and now he can finally hold them. Seokjin pulled out the placenta and stitched up Taehyung while one of the nymphs cleaned the twins. Jeongguk was so excited he started bouncing beside Taehyung still holding his hand. "Calm down, and hug me." Taehyung spoke tiredly and in no time he felt warm hands going under his shoulders and warm kissed placed over his face and neck. "You were wonderful baby, I'm so proud of you. You are perfect. I love you so much." Jeongguk mumbled over Taehyungs skin and smiled brightly.

"Here are your babies." Two nymphs passed the babies to Taehyung and he smiled widely looking over their porcelain skin. "They are beautiful." He spoke lowly not wanting to wake them up. "Congratulations, you two. Taehyung for the next few days you are on bed rest so that the cut doesn't tear. I'll come by tomorrow with the family to visit." He kissed Taehyung forehead and everybody left the room leaving the king and queen with their newborns.

"Their skin is just like yours." Jeongguk spoke looking over the two and caressing their cheeks gently. "Their noses and lips are like yours." Taehyung spoke and smiled widely. It was silent for a few minutes they were just watching them and enjoying their presence. Taehyung was about to say something but was cut off with a small gentle yawn and the two babies opened their eyes leaving the parents out of breath. Their eyes were different. The right eye was red and the left was purple. "Holly Hell, they are beautiful." Jeongguk exclaimed and the two babies looked over their parents before a sweet squeal got out from their lips. "So, beautiful." Taehyung spoke and stared at the twins with a big smile.

For the rest of the day they fed the twins and just stared at them looking at their eyes. They were so beautiful and almost resembled crystals. "Our Hwan and Haneul." The parents looked at each other with big smiles and sparkly red and purple eyes. They were so happy now they wanted to make even more babies just so that they can show off their kids eye colors.

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