Chapter 10

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They ate happily with some short conversations about themselves, and by this time they felt a lot more comfortable around each other and felt a much bigger connection with each other. When they were finished Taehyung cleaned the dishes while Jeongguk cleaned the table from syrup residue.

They made small talk while cleaning, Jeongguk made some silly jokes and flirt with Taehyung just to see the cute blush that coats his beautiful face. Taehyung made his way to their bedroom with Jeongguk right behind him enjoying the view of Taehyung in his favorite hoodie. "I like the hoodie more now that it's on you." He says and smacks his ass making Taehyung involuntary moan really, really loud. They stay still in the hallway, Taehyung red like a tomato while Jeongguk feels his dick harden.

"Never. Ever. Do. That. Again." He says slowly turning around to look Jeongguk dead in the eyes. After he looked into Jeongguks face and saw lust in them he made his way to him, standing on his toes he leans forward putting his hands on Jeongguks shoulders to keep him steady in place. With a smirk and a seductive tone he says "But. You can do that. When you fuck me hard and raw while I beg for more my king" with that he turns around a purposely brush his ass on Jeongguks lower part to hear a low growl from him.

He runs to their room and throws himself on the bed feeling lazy and not in the mood for shopping. He ignores when the devil walks into the room with a deadly glare set on the angel on his bed. He tries to control himself but when the angel turns to the side he sees his angel in black lace panties covering his ass so perfectly. He growls getting rid of his t-shirt, only in his sweatpants now throws himself on him. Taehyung screams terrified from the sudden impact from above, when he looks up and sees those red eyes he loved so much he smiles widely and hugs Jeongguks neck.

"What's the problem my king?" he asks knowing very well that the problem was him. "You" he said in a very scary voice and goes for Taehyungs lips but stop just centimeters away. He looks up at Taehyungs eyes "Can I kiss you my queen?" he asks not wanting to pressure Taehyung into things, as he doesn't want Taehyung to get triggered of someone assaulting him. "Yes my king" he aswers and soon feels warm rough lips on his plump ones.

Jeongguk sets himself between Taehyungs legs and feels him setting his palms from his neck on his cheeks and jawline feeling a little stubble. Taehyung hooks his legs around Jeongguks waist bringing him closer to himself and moans when he feels Jeongguks boner rub against his own. Jongguk smiles against Taehyungs lips loving the moment. Jeongguk pecks Taehyungs lips before going for his neck and leaving sweet loving kisses and after, love bites making him moan in delight at the new feeling.

Jeongguk reaches Taehyungs right hands with his left and intertwine them beside Taehyungs head, giving him reassurance that he is there and nothing will go wrong.

His other hand goes to Taehyungs thigh caressing it so smoothly it sent shivers down Taehyungs spine. His hand goes under Taehyungs hoodie massaging his tummy images of a baby going through his mind. He shakes them out and gets up straight wanting to pull the hoodie of. He sees fear in Taehyungs eyes he leans down kissing his cheeks "Don't worry baby we won't do anything you don't want to" he gets a nod and smiles kissing Taehyung for a second before getting the hoodie off. When he sees the black bralette he losses his mind divining in creating more and more love bites around Taehyungs chest, and on his soft tummy.

He intertwine their hands together and squeezes them for Taehyung to look up at him "Baby I'm going to try something, don't be scared okay trust me" Taehyung looks scared into Jeongguks eyes but trusts him enough to nod, after some seconds he moans when Jeongguk thrust his dick against his own. His hands automatically slide out of Jeongguks grip to his bare back. As Jeongguk continues to give slow hard thrust Taehyung throws his head back in unknown pleasure, moaning Jeogguks name and he marks Jeongguks back with his nails. "Ugh, G-Ggukie more, please-" he moans out to which Jeongguk does. What his queen wants his queen gets.

"So beautiful" Jeongguk whispers and kisses Taehyung as he can feel the other is going to cum aswell as himself. "Ggu-Ggu- I f-feel weird, wh-what" he can't finish his sentence too much out of breath. He feels something warm in his lower region pooling he know that it isn't piss but is scared what is it. "It's okay baby let it out I'm close too" Jeongguk says and kisses Taehyung once more as he fasten his thrusts, after some time it gets a little sloppy, he feels Taehyung arch his back and looks up at the beautiful mess as he cums all over his panties, Jeongguk follows after seeing the beautiful scene in front of him, cumming in his sweatpants.

He wants to fall on Taehyung but as Taehyung is small and he can squish him with his muscles he chooses to lay beside him and hug his waist tightly. "That was amazing" he hears Taehyung whisper out of breath. He chuckles and look down at him in the eyes and kiss his forehead. "Yeah for me too, that was the first time doing something intimate with anyone" he confesses and sees Taehyungs head pop out of his chest. "What!?" he smiles at the reaction and Taehyung jumps a little bit and sits next to Jeongguk "You never had sex with anyone in your whole life time?" he asks totally not believing the confession.

"Baby you know I hate physical contact except you, now come back I wanna hug you before we have a shower and leave" he grabs Taehyungs hands and pulls him on his chest, when he feels he won't go anywhere he hugs him tight and kisses his fluffy hair. "Why do you hate people touching you if you don't mind me asking?" "I don't mind, well when I was born no body ever touched me except the feeding and changing clothes part, when I turned 4 they stopped caring and just left me be, I had wings so I went around my house flying no one noticed me and I never interacted with anyone. When I turned 10 I started school and as you can see I'm really handsome and then I was really cut as people told me that often, girl demons ran after me and touched me a lot and one day I snapped killed 3 of the girls no regrets, after that day no one touched me and I build a shield around myself with that, and that's how I ended up to be the king of the Underworld/Hell at the age of 18" at the end he says with a smile, a little bit happy he got the chance to share this part of his life with his queen.

"Thank you for sharing honey. Now, how old are you honey?" he asks and looks at Jeongguk with happy eyes, Jeongguk laughs "Are you sure you want to know?" he asks and sees Taehyung nod his head eagerly. "I'm 20 568 years old" he said serious and sees Taehyungs mouth drop.

"You have got to be kidding me?" he asks shocked. "I'm sorry baby but I'm not" "I'm in love with an old man WHAT THE FUCK JEONGGUK!!!!!" he yells not knowing what information he leaked out of shock. Jeongguk stares at him on the edge of fainting. He holds Taehyungs hand tightly "You, you're in love with me?" he asks with a small voice scared that if he asks it will disappear or his ears are making fun of him. Taehyung stayed still in his seat, all of the colors in his face drained by the single question. He looks to the side and nods his head slightly, sighing deeply.

He turns to look at Jeongguk to see him smile, he also smiles but not fully "I'm in love with you but I'm not in hat phase to say I love you truly right now I like you more than a friend but close to a potential lover, you have to work harder to catch my whole heart" hesays with a chuckle and gets surprised when Jeongguk hugs him and kisses his cheeks. "It's okay but just know that I already love you and always will baby" 

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