Chapter 13

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Two days later the king and queen were infront of Jeogguks private jet. "I really need to get a job when we get back" Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with a raised eyebrow. "And where did you get that idea?" Taehyung shrugged his shoulders with a pout adoring his lips. "I just want to earn my own money so I won't have to spend yours. I already spent a lot on clothes which I'm very thankfull to you but I want to buy you something with MY money." Jeongguk had a blank face eyes red. "A queens place is to take care of the house, children and husband, not working. I appriciate and respect you for wanting to get a job and have your own money, but baby I have more money than the queen of England or the Japanesse mafia, you can spend how much you want on anything I don't care I just want you to be beside me safe and happy." Taehyungs heart melted at the words, he hugged the devil and kissed him. "Thank you my king"


The two landed in New York and Taehyung already wanted to walk around but as it was late at night but Jeongguk was tired and he dragged the small boy to thir hotel room. "You're a big meanie Ggukie." "No I'm not baby we have 13 days to explore the city until the ball and you can choose a dress here." Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk "But you packe a red dress for me, I thought I'm going to wear that dress" Jeongguk just smirked "Well the dress is really sexy and I wanted you to wear it at the ball, but I thought if you are uncomfortable wearing it you can change to something you are comforbatle in" "Ohh okay thank you Ggukie" Jeongguk kissed Taehyungs forehead, and they drove to their hotel Taehyung falling asleep by accident.

Jeongguk brought Taehyung out the car when they arrived at the hotel, giving his information to the lady at the desk he was escorted to the top floor. "Have a good night Mr. Jeon" Jeongguk just noded handing the luggage boy a 100 dollar tip and slammed the door shut. He layed Taehyung down on their bed and got rid of his clothes. Opening Taehyungs suitcase he looked for his nightwear and was surprised when he saw a lot of panties. "Well fuck I'm hard... Nope, not tonight maybe some other time" he took the nightdress. After he put the dress on Taehyung he too changed and layed down beside Taehyung. He sighed, too tired to think but he was really bothered. A lot of mafia bosses will be there and without a doubt there will be Taehyungs parents, he closed his eyes hugging Taehyung and hoping that nothing wrong will happen at the ball.

The next morning the pair woke up tangled with eachother and in the bed sheets. Taehyung snuggled more into Jeongguk, while the devil wanted to get out of the bed. "Baby get off me I need to pee" Taehyung whined but soon enoguh he let the devil go to do his thing in the bathroom. Jeongguk took a shower and wore his exspensive suit, he exited the bathroom to see that Taehyung is still sleeping soundly. With a bright smile he took the room phone and ordered a bunch of food. After he finished with the call he moved towards Taehyung, his eyes flashed red for a few seconds before going back to their original dark brown color. "Tae wake up, food is on it's way" Jeongguk with amused eyes watched how Taehyung hopped out of bed and set at the sofa that was set infront of the big windows showcasing the beautiful view of New York. "I'm ready, where is it?" Jeongguk chuckled at Taehyungs cute behaviour. "Go take a shower, food will arrive in about half an hour" Taehyung pouted but nontheless got up and went to the bathroom not before getting a kiss on the forehead from Jeongguk.

Taehyung was enjoying his hot shower, as for Jeongguk he was pissed. He got a phone call from Korea, one of his men stole a bunch of fire arms and is on a run to create his own gang. "Track him down and kill him, dump his body in the hole in the back of the mansion, a guy will come in 2 weeks to collect it. Count the fire arms and if someone wants to steal or run off kill them on the spot" Jeongguk hung up just in time, Taehyung got out in his black silky robe and a knock on the door got their attention. Jeongguk wanted to open the door but Taehyung was faster. He opened the door and the service boy looked at Taehyung from top to bottom licking his lips in the process. Taehyung made room for the boy to get the food in, he was jumping around happy to have his food, while Jeongguk was glaring at the boy that was eyeing his queen. He cleared his throat getting the boys attention, he gave him a hundred dollar tip and showed him the way to the door. "Thank you, you may go now." The boy walked to the door but a few times glanced to the pretty boy and the last thing he saw was the small boy jumping on the dark haired male kissing his lips.

"Thank you Ggukie for the food I was starving" he got down from the males embrace and made his way to the tray taking food from it and walking to the table infront of the sofa. Jeongguk hummed and sat beside Taehyung taking some of the food and eating.

After their breakfast Taehyung was getting dressed for the day, they are going to walk around New York, eat out and go watch a movie if there is any premiering at the moment. "Baby, I wanna ask you something" Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk as he was tying his shoeslaces. "What is it?" Jeongguk was nervous but he has to aks him it was important. "Umm you see, if we make love in the near future I have to mark you as mine. As the devil I have to mark the queen of Hell so the queen will be safe and no one would harm the queen. I wanted to get your permision to do that because lately I'm kind of going crazy I can't keep the devil in me calmhe wants to claim you before it get's worse." Taehyung fully understood what the devil ment but he was scared, he's a virgin and he will be loosing his virginity to the devil himself. He knows that Jeongguk will be gentle with him but he needs more time. He noded and looked at Jeongguk "You have my permission to mark me but when I'm ready. I need more time, I need to think about it one more time." Jeongguk noded and walked to Taehyung hugging him, issing his head to cam the boy down. "When I mark you, you will be immortal, nothing can kill you, but if you get hurt the wounds will heal like it ussually does when you are mortal. You will get a tattoo like print under the bite mark."

Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk with sparkly eyes, "What kind of tattoo?" Jeongguk smiled at the cute boy "My initials with a little crown at the end" Taehyung was so amazed by the information but soon he pouted, sad. "Why are you sad honey?" "Well, I wanna mark you too but I don't have the teeth for it. I want to see my mark on you too so that girls and boys can know that you are mine and no ones else." Jeongguk chuckled by the boys conffession. "Baby, when I mark you, you turn into a vampire so you will have an urge for blood and when you suck my blood you are at the same time marking me and I will get our initials only instead of a K there will be a J as a sign of marriage" "But I want to have a wedding." "We can only get married in hell baby, if we get married here I can't go back to hell then" Taehyung noded and smiled "I'm waiting for you to prospose to me you are not getting away with the mark thing without a ring on this finger mister" Jeongguk laughed loudly and followed Taehyung to the door. "Okay baby it will be a big surprise just like you want it to be" 

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