Maybe things were starting to look up after all.

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Roxy arrived at her grandad's house the next day into some god awful mess.

Gemma had called Tara and Roxy asking for assistance up at her dad's. She was hiding out there while all this ATF stuff was going on. Tig was with her and they were supposed to be getting her dad ready to move into a home. However when Tara and Roxy arrived her grandad's live in Carer was tied up in the basement.

The three women stood around the Carer who was currently blindfolded and strapped into a wheelchair.

"Ma this is some fucked up shit."

"She was gunna rat on me. What the fuck was I supposed to do." Gemma replied, lighting up a smoke to calm her nerves.

"I dunno, not be a mental bitch for once?"

Gemma rolled her eyes. "C'mon. Let's go upstairs and figure this shit out."

By the time the ladies had made some coffee Tig was back with more bad news.

"Uh Nate's gone." He looked sheepishly at Gemma.

"Gone where?" She eyed him. He shrugged. "Fuck sake Tig."

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Things were going slightly better in Charming. The guys had all voted on accompanying Jax on a run to Vancouver. They'd take Gemma there to hide out while they searched for Abel.

Juice was excited to tell Roxy, maybe she'd come with them seeing as she was up with Gemma today. He wouldn't mind having his girl ride bitch with him all the way to Canada. Although the girls weren't usually allowed to be included in club business, but maybe Clay would let her tag along.

While Juice was dreaming about Roxy things at Nate's house had gone from bad to worse.

While they were all out searching for Nate, Tara had decided to check on the Carer, who had subsequently broken free of her restraints and knocked Tara out. Before she could escape however she bumped into Gemma and Roxy in the kitchen and Gemma had killed her.

Tig, Tara, Roxy and Gemma stood around the body trying to figure out what the hell to do next.

"Well the guys just called and they are coming up tomorrow. We gotta clean this shit up." Tig was shaking his head.

"Well what do we do?" Roxy questioned the older two.

"Call Bachman." Tig answered.

"The cleaner?" Gemma questioned.

"Yeah he's close by. Does a good job. I'll give him a ring."

Roxy and Tara just shared a look. Both were entirely out of their element here. Roxy had been around the club her whole life but was never exposed to anything they did. So shit like this was new to her. New and fucked up. They were just gunna get rid of this girl? This was the time she started really questioning being involved deeper in the club. Becoming an Old Lady was not looking like a good idea right now.

Sure she loved Juice but she just wished she could have a relationship with him that didn't involve the club and all this illegal drama.

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"You're missing a sweet Asian buffet inside." Clay sat down next to Jax outside Lin's establishment.

They'd had to strike a deal with the Chinese to raise funds for this mercenary they were meeting in Vancouver. This particular deal involved the Cara Cara girls and a party for some of Lin's associates.

"Surprised you're not in there." Jax lit up a smoke.

"Nah feels too much like cheating with your mum away." He replied as he lit his cigar.

Jax smirked. Never stopped him before on runs. But whatever.

"Your sister's man, however, seems to be having a good time." Clay had noticed two of Lin's girls perched on Juice's lap before. "Didn't think Roxy would approve of that sorta shit."

"Roxy won't be happy if she found out that's for sure." Jax was surprised at Juice. Juice had always been a bit of a man whore round the club, who wouldn't be with all the free pussy on offer, Jax was no better himself he knew that. But he also knew that Juice seemed to really care about his sister so why would he jeopardise their relationship when he knew Roxy wouldn't stand for this shit.

"Long as he doesn't get his dick wet I'm sure he'll be fine." Clay chuckled.

The guys finished up their conversation before Clay decided to go inside. "Should go get my dick sucked. Starting to sound as pussy whipped as you."

Jax let out a chuckle and finished off his smoke before joining Clay inside.

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Their deal with the Chinese did not go to plan thanks to Opie's jealousy over Lyla.

Jax and Opie were having a good chat about everything when Lyla arrived to take Opie away.

Jax spent a few minutes thinking everything over. The club life and its impact on his young family was taking its toll on him. He was starting to question things again, his choices and how they had impacted Abel. He was starting to think Roxy had the right idea by wanting to distance herself from the club. But now it seemed she couldn't given her attraction to Juice there was probably no hope for her now.

At first Jax was happy to have her closer to the club. Although he was pleased for her enjoying New York he had always wanted her close by. Same as Gemma did.

However now that she was close he was re thinking that train of thought. If her and Juice settled down that'd be her locked into club life. And their kids would always be caught in the club business just like Abel.

All these thoughts were running through his mind when Juice came running into the bar.

"Jax! Guys! Got an email from the Belfast VP." He placed the laptop on the bar for them all to look at. There, in the middle of the screen, was a very dead Cameron. With no Abel. "Cameron's in Ireland."

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