"My head..." Aria looked a bit woozy, but why? Hadn't she felt better?

"Is it like the other day!?" She jumps of her seat and towards Aria.

"No... Much, much worse- Aah!" Aria screams.

This is bad. This is bad. This is bad.

Audrey repeated in her head. But what could she do? Then an idea pops into her head.

She quickly drags Aria to the couch, and places her on it. She then runs to the door. But right before leaving she turns around.

"Don't leave, I'll be back," She orders and ran out. 


Audrey ran all the way to Apollo's cave on the other side of the island. She didn't understand what had happened to Aria, and decided that Apollo had to be the best choice. Even if Aria 'hated' him.

She stopped running right outside the cave and looked around. Empty.

"Apollo?! Apollo!? APOLLO!?!! Where are you!?" She ran inside and looked in every corner, making a mess of everything. But yet she couldn't find him. She then went back outside, that was when she spotted him.

"Apollo!" His head snapped to where the voice came from. He spotted her and sighed.

"Was it you who messed up my cave?" He asked her while picking things up. Audrey didn't have time for jokes. 

"Apollo, it's Aria. Something's wrong!" She rushed. Apollo dropped everything in his hands and looked up at her.


"Back at the hut!" And they ran back.


As Apollo was reaching the hut, memories passed in front of his eyes. Reminding him of the times he spent here, so long ago it felt like an eternity. But he pushed these thoughts away and barged inside the hut, Audrey right behind him.

He looked around and spotted Aria lying on the couch, her eyes were closed. Meaning she was asleep, but it she was sweating and moving a lot.

Apollo rushed to her side and felt her forehead. Burning hot.

"She has a terrible fever," He muttered to himself and ran into the kitchen.

"Anything I can do for you?" Audrey asks him.

"Yes! Get some rags and water!" Apollo looked around the kitchen looking for...

"Finally..." He mumbles under his breath and takes the herb out. It had drifted to the coast one day out of nowhere, back then he didn't know what to do with it. But now he did, it was a medicinal herb that only royalty could acquire.

He takes it out and sprints back to the living room. He takes some of the herb out and smashes it in his hands, making a sort of mash. Audrey comes over to him with a bucket of water and rags.

"Thanks, place them here," He tells her and she does. He then takes a rag and drips it in the water. After a moment he takes it out and smears the mash onto it. Then he places the rag onto Aria's forehead.

She seems to cool down and she stops sweating (just so you know, this is definitely NOT how you cure a burning fever that could kill someone, so please don't go complaining about it or something). He sighed a breath of relief and turned to Audrey.

"What happened?" Audrey stares at her paws. She didn't quite know either.

"I don't know," She spoke her mind. "It never happened before, and neither of us were really prepared for it," Audrey took a deep breath before continuing. "We had gone to the treehouse, we went to the balcony and she saw the image of us. I don't exactly know what then happened, she- She-" Audrey sighed at the memory, then continued talking. "Something happened, must've remembered some memory or something that pained her. She fell asleep, when we returned she wasn't in her best state of mind and hardly left the hut,".

Audrey curled up into a little ball before talking again.

"Then, the day I decided to see you again, I returned and she had a headache. At the moment I thought nothing of it, just a little problem. Now..." She looked at Aria then back at her feet.

"Now, I'm worried something really bad is happening. Yet, she won't tell me anything!" Audrey says grumpily.

"She just locks herself up and tries not to worry the others..." Audrey mumbles under her breath. She then looks back at Apollo.

"Sorry, I was rambling," Apollo shakes his head.

"Nah, it's fine," He looks at Aria, lying on the couch.

Why hadn't she told us? At least Audrey? What's wrong?

Audrey went into her room and fell asleep, Apollo decided to do the same. He leaned onto the couch (without bumping Aria) and drifted off to sleep.

Hello my godlings! Good to see you're here. Nothing much happening over where I am, only that it's been pouring for the last few days. 

See you in the next chapter!

And stay safe!


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