jarl elisif the fair

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Requested: yes (DakotaWay) I'm super sorry for taking such a long time to write this but I hope you enjoy :)
Reader: male
Relationship: romantic
Date completed: 3/12/21
General Tullius and General Carius strolled through the streets of Solitude. Today, Legate Rikka offered to take over so that the two men could get a break.

"You think I'm dumb? I can see you both aren't getting enough rest and aren't caring for yourselves. I demand that you both go take a day off immediately."

Rikka could be terrifying. General Tullius was about to make a smart comeback before Legate Rikka threatened him with her sword to his throat. Carius was smart enough to avoid that situation, though.

The two went to the Blue Palace, since they'd gotten an invite for some afternoon tea with the Jarl. Secretly, General Carius was happy to finally get a break from helping his uncle with empire stuff. It's hard work.

They entered the palace and a very downcast Falk Firebeard lead the men to the dining room, where Elisif the Fair sat, her normally cheerful expression now seemingly...dead.

Falk instructed the two generals to have a seat and left them with Elisif. The three sat in an uncomfortable silence for a while- until Elisif spoke up.

"Torygg...he was murdered...by that Jarl, Ulfric Stormcloak."

"He was WHAT?!" General Tullius slammed his fist on the table. "I swear...that bastard!"

"General Tullius, you're scaring Elisif." General Carius tried to get the man to calm down.

"Shut it, y/n!" Tullius growled. "I'm going to rip out his throat."

"General Tullius, he left a note saying he's declaring war against the Empire with his 'Stormcloak Rebellion'." Elisif said. Tullius stopped.

"If he wants a war, I'll give him a war." Tullius muttered, leaving the room.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Elisif. If you need anything, or if you just want to talk, you know where to find me." Y/n smiled sadly at the poor woman before going to find his uncle who was currently storming through Solitude. He Burt through the doors of Castle Dour, startling Lagate Rikka.

"What the...General Tullius? And General Carius? I assume something has happened because you look furious."

"Ulfric Stormcloak murdered Torygg." General Tullius said. "I need to know who's joined his rebellion. Now."

Chaos broke out. News of the high king's death rippled throughout Skyrim. General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak's delcares of war travelled to every ear. Rumors spread about what had happened and sides started to be taken.

"Jarl Elisif, you asked to see me?" Y/n bowed slightly.

"Yes um...can we talk in private? Please?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, of course, lead the way."

Y/n followed Elisif to her chambers.

"I'm sure you remember the offer you made me a month ago. I...I'm glad you are willing to give up time from your day for me." She smiled.

"It's the right thing to do. I know how much Torygg meant to you. He was a good man and a great husband, I'm sure."

"Yes, he was. I have to surpress all the anger I have towards Ulfric Stormcloak. I don't think rage is a good fit on me. Especially when I'm taking over as Jarl. It's terrifying, really."

"Don't worry. General Tullius and I will make sure Solitude stays as it was under Torygg's rule."

"Thank you for you and General Tullius's help. I don't know if I would still be here if it weren't for you both."

"You're welcome."

"And...I have a more personal favor to ask." Elisif averted her gaze. "I paid tribute to all the divines- but I know Torygg would've wanted to have an offering for Talos. Would you please allow me to go? Just this once."

"Of course. I won't say a word. You're fulfilling a wish of the dead- I am in no place to stop you."

"Thank you again, General Carius."

"You're welcome. And please, when we aren't in public, call me y/n. I don't like to always have a professional atmosphere when I'm not working."

"Ah, I see. I'll keep that in mind."

"I should be going now. Like I said before, if you need anything, you know where to find me."

Y/n smile and bowed again, leaving the palace. He hurried back to Castle Dour to continue his duties as general.

Days turned to weeks, which turned to months and a year. And nearly every day, Elisif called upon y/n so she could tell him many stories of Torygg. It was her own way to cope with his death. But after so much time, a new feeling, a feeling she had when she'd met her late husband, bubbled within her.

Next thing y/n knew, Elisif had asked for a relationship with him. Y/n reluctantly agreed, not wanting to stir up rumors within the court...or the citizens. He asked that they keep it private; and that only their most trusted friends or family would have the privilege to know about them.

Elisif told her steward- y/n told Tullius. They both asked for them not to divulge such sensitive information to anyone. If news got out that y/n and Elisif were dating, many would see y/n as a manipulative person while Elisif would be called a whore. Reputation is and always will be of the utmost importance.

Nonetheless, both were happy even with their quiet relationship. Unfortunately, y/n had to leave for war many times- leaving Elisif sad and lonely. But she held hope that each time y/n would come back safe.

But a lucky hit was all it took to shred Elisif's happy reality.

To live through losing not one- but two lovers- you could call Elisif the most powerful woman to live. She continued her rule of Solitude outwardly in the name of Torygg, but silently for y/n.
Again, I'm sorry for taking so long to write this! But hopefully it was what you wanted. Feel free to request again :)

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