Back in time

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(The dream)

A girl about my age, maybe slightly older was sitting on her bed putting her pointe shoes on. The bedroom looked familiar…the same one I was staying in think. When she lifted her head she had tears streaming down her face and I instantly realized that she was the same girl as the one on the wall. Maybe she used to live here.

She was wearing a long gown. As she elegantly ran out of the room into the living space next to the grand staircase I knew it was the same Mansion, but things were so different so I got the sense it was in the early 1900’s.

She started to dance gracefully with radiance and her mood started to change too. Each step flowed from one to the other. She looked as if she was sort of in a happy trance. She leaped high in the air landing on one leg, the other bent as she extended into a beautiful arabesque continuing into a curu (feet delicately shuffling back on the points with the arms flowing in a rippling motion.)

I could tell she was a professional ballerina. Her movement flowed into pirouetting around in a circle in the direction of the spiral railing. She elegantly kicked her leg up but when it came down it was on the other side of the railing. As her body leaned over towards her leg she toppled over falling through the empty space, she screamed as she fell.

Crashsnap! She landed on her head snapping her neck, Thick blood poured out of her, then her eyes fluttered closed. I think she was dead. Her ghost rose out of her up and away, her body sort of see through but sill wearing the same things, like a ghost. 



It's almost the end of the year :( I swear i remember our 2011 christmas like it was yesterday! oh well. It's summer so boohyeah! :D anyhoo what do you think  of the story so far? plz comment your opinions : ) I'm hungry :P going to have breakfast now, cya ;D

xo Sarah_leeeee xo

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