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The Four Leaf Clover (a short story)

Set in 2004

I was in the taxi driving through winding raods past pretty houses and cottages with blooming gardens. This seems like a pretty village. Yeah I think my stay here on Clarkesville is going to be great. I usually live in an average sort of town – Maylenborough but recently I got into the National Academy of Modern Dance!

Being 17 now I’m doing my last year of school at the Academy. It’s taken a long time to get this far but I’ve allways believed with passion and determination eventually you’ll reach you’re dream. So I’ve come to stay here at the Fallcinder Mansion that’s supposedly haunted, so not many people stay there. That doesn’t bother me though as I don’t believe in any of that nonsense anyway. I’m going to be here just for a week until my aunty gets back from her holiday. Then I’ll stay with her and start my first term at the Academy. I’m so excited! The car suddenly turns into a soft gravel driveway and we pull and we pull up to the mansion.

Oh my Gosh we’re here! Wow it’s white and two storey with lots of arches and intricate designs and a very high clock tower. The garden is beautiful – full of flowers and greenery. I thank the driver handing him two twenties . As I step out he helps me with my luggage and then drives away. I can even hear the birds singing. Walking up to the entrance I notice lots of clovers within the grass and also winding up the pillars of the mansion.  I never knew it could grow like that, even the tiles infront of the door take a clover like pattern to them. 


Yo peeps! :D

It's Sarah here, I know my story isn't that good at the moment but trust me it does get better.                         I wrote this story for a school project btw soooo hope u like it! : )

xo Sarah_leeeeeeee xo XD

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