45. Confirmation of fate

Start from the beginning

"Are you allright?" Y/n said putting a hand out for Hermione.

She ignored her hand and pushed herself up from the ground on her own "how did you do that?" She asked accusingly.

"Do what?"

"The purple light." Ron said.

"For God's sake what are you all talking about." Said y/n.

"When you put youre hand up to cover yourself from Hermiones spell.." George began "this purple light came out of you're hand. In the same way it should come out of a wand."

"What?" Y/n laughed as though they were all joking.

"Hes not joking y/n." Ginny said "you just created magic without a wand..and you didn't even mean to...thats not..well its not-"

"Its not normal. Were not supposed to be able to do that. No one is." Hermione said.

"W-well I didnt mean to..I don't understand.."

"Has it ever happened before?" Harry asked.

"No of course not." She shook her head "did i hurt you?"

"No." Hermione smiled sympathetically.

"Why do you reckon the magic was purple?" Said Ron.

"I don't know.. but it didnt look like normal magic. Well obviously it wasn't normal magic, it was cast without a wand, but it seemed more mist like.." Hermione thought aloud.

"Yeah youre right." Harry nodded "usually when magic exits youre wand its directed and appears as a stream of light. But what you just did.. was more free flowing and..I 'dunno it was like you were controlling it. As if you could have told it to do anything and it would've obeyed."

"You guys I promise I didnt mean to..I won't let it happen again i-" y/n started.

"Hey stop its fine." Hermione put her hand on y/ns shoulder "we'll figure it out. No ones mad at you, it was just a shock."

"You owe me five sickles." Ron said to George.

"Read the room Ron, not now." George brushed off.

"No hes right, you bet on the wrong witch..give the man his money." Y/n laughed. Ron grinned at George expectantly.

"I urm, think I might go to Dumbledore about..well about this." She raised her hand slightly and the smallest amount of violet mist exited from her palm "oh my God." Her eyes widened at the sight.

"Try do that again." Fred encouraged.

"No!" Hermione said "I don't think that's a good idea, go to Dumbelodre he'll know whats best, but make sure you don't say anything about the DA"

"Do you want me to go with you?" George offered.

"I think i need to do this alone, thanks though." She kissed his cheek and left the group.

While she made her way to Dumbledores office she kept her hands squeezed tightly shut. Her eyes practically fixed to the floor.

"Allright Reverie?" Theo asked sarcastically.

"Not now Theo."

"Whats wrong don't you-" he began to taunt.

"Please..not now." She looked up at him, and he saw concern in her big eyes. Not saying anything else he gave a small nod and left her alone.

Y/n stood outside the two grand Oak doors, which led to Dumbledores office. She barely found it in her to raise her fist and knock, incase by some disastrous mistake she blew the door to smithereens.

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