☺︎︎ Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

The mysterious dark haired boy just grumbled, finding it as there was literally no escape to this. Not yet atleast.

They arrived at a door, Lucas knocking on it while Jaemin had his arms crossed beside him, wrist free, thankfully.

The door opens, revealing a smiling Jeno with a cat in his arms, snuggling on his chest as the feline purred from his touch.

"You made it!" He cheered, stepping aside to give way for the newcomers while the couple inside the living room was still arguing about something.

Lucas goes in first, hugging Jeno quickly as he tries to greet the cat in the brunet's arms gently. The said cat only ignored him, meowing up to her owner when the small caresses on her back stopped.

Seeing how Jaemin was still standing outside his door, arms crossed with a look on his face, Jeno giggled a little. "What are you standing there for, Jaemin hyung?"

"You didn't let me in properly." The elder said curtly, not moving an inch even though he could just run off after being released from Lucas's hold.

Jeno giggled again, his eyes turning into crescents as he shook his head lightly. "Silly, come in birthday boy." He said, gesturing the elder to enter his small apartment.

Finally, as if being released from another hold, this time on feet, Jaemin enters reluctantly while totally ignoring the younger's smile as he passes by him quickly.

Mark, who stopped the argument with his boyfriend not so long ago and saw the interaction, frowned. He glances at his friend and knitted his eyebrows together when the brunet's smile didn't even falter.

"That was rude." Haechan muttered beside him, crossing his arms as well, his gaze locked on the new guy as if he was a monster that had gone inside Jeno's apartment. With approval from the owner.

"Well, I don't want to upset Jeno. Especially when it's about his soulmate," Mark whispers discreetly to his boyfriend. "So, leave him be for now."

Haechan just rolled his eyes, huffing at the idea but silently agreeing to it anyway.

"Let's eat!" Jeno chirps, placing Bongsik down on the floor as he skips towards the kitchen, the others following behind him.

"You made all these?" Lucas said, astonished as he scans the small table and the other counters filled with delicious food.

"For my soulmate's birthday!" The brunet beams, glancing at said soulmate who rolled his eyes at him and looked away.

"Well I'm famished, after climbing up those stairs and forgetting lunch, I don't think my stomach could last any longer." Lucas comments, making the others laugh while Jaemin was still... Well, cold.

"You guys could've used the elevator," Haechan retorts grabbing himself a plate while scanning the table to see what would he like to eat first.

The tall basketball player hummed as Jaemin shrugged his shoulders, grabbing a plate as well. "It's Lucas who we're talking about here, of course he'd go for the stairs." He muttered.

The said boy gasps, mocking offense, as he paused to get some spaghetti, letting Mark go for it first. "I'm letting you off this time, because it's your birthday." He remarks.

"You wouldn't even fight me before multiple times, why threaten me?"

"Touché." Lucas drawls as he glances down to watch Bongsik walk around them, her tail swaying gracefully as she looks at them.

"Oh, Jaemin hyung, this is Bongsik!" Jeno introduced while gesturing towards the said cat, right in between Lucas and Jaemin's feet.

The feline meowed softly, sniffing them carefully, trying to get familiar with their presence as Lucas tries to call her while Jaemin just stared at her with a brow raised.

"Isn't she so cute?" The owner cooed watching his pet cat as well.

"She seems to like one of them, wonder how that feels." Mark mumbled.

Suddenly, Bongsik snuggles her head against Jaemin's leg, meowing happily as her tail wraps around his leg as well.

"Oh, she likes you!" Jeno cheered, clapping softly and very happily.

Lucas pouts at that, "I want her to like me too." He sulks.

"She's very picky with people, protective of Jeno too, so it's not really tough luck. Look at Mark." Haechan shrugs earning a smack on his shoulder from his boyfriend. "Ow!"

"But she seems to like Jaemin well, she barely knows him!" The tall basketball player comments.

"Must be fate." Jeno giggled to himself while smiling at Jaemin who scoffed at his words.

"My dear soulmate, Happy Birthday!"

Puppy Emoji ☺︎︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now