Start from the beginning

A b i l i t i e s -
Physically enhanced: metabolism, strength, sight, hearing and reflexes.
Biomorphing: can transform into any living thing.
Body manipulation: able to manipulate any aspect of one's body.
Evolution: can enhance oneself permanently via accelerated evolution. Develop adaptation to combat threats or changes.
Malleable anatomy: the ability to rearrange the physiological features of oneself.

⤷ Malleable anatomy: the ability to rearrange the physiological features of oneself

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N o t e s -
Subject 8 is gifted with the power of shape-shifting. He has the ability to transform and rearrange his body, down to the smallest of cells, into anything he wants— mostly animals. His animagus form is larger than natural forms. It is unknown the extent of subject 8's powers. . . it is deemed possible he is able to transform himself into greater, more dangerous beings. As well as the ability to transform, he has physically enhanced strength, speed, hearing, sight and reflexes. Subject 8 became enhanced after being bitten by a radioactive canine four years ago. Kidnapped by HYDRA two years ago, but managed to escape just over a year later. Subject 8 is highly dangerous— Approach with caution.


N a m e : P a r k J i m i n
A l i a s : P H O E N I X
S e x : M a l e
A g e : 19
D O B : 13 / 10 / 1993
P O B : B u s a n , S o u t h  K o r e a
L a n g u a g e s : E n g l i s h , K o r e a n
H e i g h t : 5 ft 10
W e i g h t : 66 kg

A b i l i t i e s -
Fire manipulation: the ability to control, shape and manipulate fire flames
Healing ability: able to heal others with their own tears
Phoenix physiology: the ability to conjure a living Phoenix.

N o t e s -Subject 9, along with his twin sister, were kidnapped from their hometown in Busan, South Korea by HYDRA

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N o t e s -
Subject 9, along with his twin sister, were kidnapped from their hometown in Busan, South Korea by HYDRA. In their secret base located in Sokovia, they were tested and experimented on with the mind stone— Loki's sceptre. Subject 9 gained the elemental power of fire and those of a mythical Phoenix. He is able to manipulate flames and heat, heal himself and others with his own tears, as well as summon his own Phoenix. It is unknown the extent of Subject 9's powers, having had little chance to learn and practice. Thus making him exceedingly dangerous— do not engage!


N a m e : P a r k J i a
A l i a s : W i n t e r B l i s s
S e x : F e m a l e
A g e : 19
D O B : 13 / 10 / 1993
P O B : B u s a n , S o u t h  K o r e a
L a n g u a g e s : E n g l i s h , K o r e a n
H e i g h t : 5 ft 7
W e i g h t : 59 kg

A b i l i t i e s -
Cryokinesis: control and manipulation of water, snow and ice.
Life creation: the ability to create beings from snow and ice
Memory extraction: can see memories from a place and time from the water present— if any.

⤷ Life creation: the ability to create beings from snow and ice⤷ Memory extraction: can see memories from a place and time from the water present— if any

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N o t e s -
Subject 10, along with her twin brother, were kidnapped from their hometown in Busan, South Korea by HYDRA. In their secret base located in Sokovia, they were tested and experimented on with the mind stone— Loki's sceptre. Subject 10 gained the elemental power of snow and ice. She is able to conjure ice and snow at will, manipulate ice and snow into anything she desires, including the ability to bring ice/snow beings to life. It is unknown the extent of Subject 10's powers, having had little chance to truly learn and practice. It is hinted that she has little control over her powers, unlike her brother who possesses greater control. Thus making her exceedingly dangerous— do not engage!

 Thus making her exceedingly dangerous— do not engage!

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I may be in way over my head. . .

This chapter was an overview/introduction of the abilities my characters possess! Also, Yes they are very powerful, maybe too overpowered lol but I love that. I want them to be feared and a force to be reckoned with. I think it'll be fun to write such young characters in such a grown-up setting with great responsibility and the effect it has on them. . . they'll handle it vv differently to one another.

Also, Tessa is basically Violet from the incredibles because she's a baddie and I love her powers— I added that she was able to manifest though ;) and then Jungkook is virtually a werewolf, but with the ability to change into so much more.

You'll learn more of their backstories and how they gain their powers throughout the story! I may even add more characters like other BTS members as the story goes on, like Jimin and his twin sister (another OC of mine) but I'm still working on their characters and I don't know if they'll be in it or not. For now it's just Jungkook and Tessa with the original avengers :)

Q) who's your favourite so far? Who do you thinks got the best powers??

Q) who's your favourite so far? Who do you thinks got the best powers??

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