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Chapter 13
Somebody's watching me
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┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐Chapter 13Somebody's watching me└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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Jungkook sighed the moment he emerged from his room and found the kitchen he shared with Tessa to be a mess. The brunette hadn't even started cooking yet, and it already looked like a bomb had gone off in their, usually clean, kitchen. Jungkook was a clean freak.

"I'm hungry, aren't you?" Tessa said as she looked up from the recipe book in front of her to meet Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook pulled a face. "I'm not hungry for pancakes," he looked at the clock on the wall then back to Tessa. "At one in the morning. Can't you wait until breakfast?" He asked her, exhausted.

Himself and Tessa had been out all afternoon, and not long got back, out on a mission with Captain America, Natasha and SHIELD's Strike team. It was a rescue and retrieve mission. Jungkook and Tessa were tasked by Fury to join the Strike team in rescuing the hostages. Which they did, with little trouble. Steve and Natasha had an entirely different mission, which they weren't allowed to know for some reason. Things seemed fishy at SHIELD lately, both Jungkook and Tessa noticed, but they didn't question it.

All Jungkook cared about now, was sleep.

"No, I'm hungry now," Tessa whined. "Besides, it's breakfast time somewhere else in the world."

Jungkook groaned loudly, making his distaste clear to Tessa. The thing is, this wasn't even odd behaviour for the girl. Lately, Jungkook had soon realised that the girl rarely slept. Something was bothering her, but whenever he asked her about it, she'd brush him and his concern off. He guessed it was night terrors. Instead of sleeping, she'd busy herself with something, which most of the time ended up disturbing Jungkook and his beauty sleep. He was worried for her, yes, but he also wanted to sleep.

Sighing, Jungkook realised he wouldn't win this battle and so he rolled his black sweaters sleeves up to past his elbows, and went to join Tessa in the kitchen. If you can't beat them, join them. Jungkook didn't miss the small, grateful smile that painted itself on Tessa's lips.

Opening the fridge, it was Tessa's turn to groan. "Shit," she cursed. "We don't have any eggs."

Jungkook faked a disappointed expression. "Oh no!" He exclaimed. "Looks like we won't be able to make pancakes after all. Sleep instead? Yeah?"

Tessa gave him a look that told him she wasn't impressed nor fooled by his terrible acting. Instead, she grabbed her long coat from off the hooks where they hang their coats beside the door, and puts on a pair of slip-on shoes. She's didn't care that she wore her pyjamas underneath her overcoat, it was late anyway, the streets would basically be empty. Besides, she could turn invisible anyway.

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