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Chapter 25

Glimpse into the past

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The team all made their way back to the quinjet

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The team all made their way back to the quinjet. No one else had laid eyes nor had an encounter with the new enhanced beings on the field, it was only Clint and Steve along with Jungkook and Tessa who knew what they look like.

They were Strucker's experiments, and it wasn't clear wether they were forced against their own will or volunteered to participate in his schemes themselves - but they'd soon find out.

Tessa and Jungkook sat side by side on the floor of the quinjet. Tessa sat on the floor beside him, palms facing down as she leaned her head back and felt the hum of the aircraft soothe her aching mind and body. Jungkook meanwhile sat tense, biting his fingernails as he stared at nothing, lost in his own mind.

Clint was lying on a small bed in the middle of the advanced jet, resting thanks to his injury and as soon as they got back to New York, he was to get treated immediately.

Tessa could hear the soft sound of music playing from the headphones sat sat on top of Jungkook's head. He'd always loved his music, she knew this better then anyone, like Bruce, it helped calm him after things like missions; helped clear his mind.

However, Tessa couldn't put her mind to rest. The only person who could do that... was the person sat right beside her.

Sighing, she stands and sits herself beside Jungkook and takes off his headphones. Startled, Jungkook opened his eyes and looked to Tessa, eyebrow raised in question.

"Wanna tell me what the hell happened back there?" She asked.

Jungkook looked oblivious. "What happened?"

"Cut the crap, Jungkook," Tessa snapped, not standing for his bullshit. "You knew them?"

Jungkook sighed and buried his face in his hands. His emotions were running wild in a frenzy inside of his head. Never would he of expected something like this to happen, nor did he want it to happen... especially to two people like Park Jimin and Park Jia.

"Before my life took a turn for the worst, I was once just a normal boy. A normal boy with a normal family, normal friends, normal life. I was born and raised in Busan, in Korea and a couple houses down the street from me, lived two siblings. Twins. We befriended one another one morning, we were only eight, and had to walk to school. I wasn't paying attention and bumped in to the girl, apologising profusely as I knocked her to the floor, but the boy accompanying her only laughed and left me with the responsibility of helping her up from off of the floor. We exchanged introductions and remarkably a friendship began. We went the same school, so we walked to and from school together every weekday; even played together during lunch breaks. Our friendship lasted up until our teenage years. Up until, one rough evening, I was taken away from that happy life and was given this one instead."

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